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An Introduction to Writing Business Letters

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 496.

The American Market

Making suggestions


Business letters and presenting information

Unit 12

they have the edge - перевес на их стороне

to do sums - сделать подсчеты

to crack the market - заполучить рынок

draft - проект

to get smth. out - разослать

to change one's mind - передумать

to reject - отвергать

rival product - продукция конкурентов

extra commission - дополнительные комиссионные

in exchange for - в обмен на

discount - скидка

to encourage - заставить

to reconsider – пересмотреть


1. Don makes а very strong suggestion: …

2. Edward makes а strong suggestion: …

3. Clive makes a strong suggestion: …

4. Kate suggests possible action: …


Clive says: He means:
I'll tell you this, Kate: they won't crack the American market. They will bе successful in the American market.
They won't bе successful in the American market.
We're a few steps ahead of them there. We have the edge in the USА.
We will have a disadvantage in the USA.
And I want you to explain that advantage. You must make the best use of the situation.
You must find а solution to the problem.


Name the new marketing strategy:

1) the launch date

2) the price cut

3) the increased advertising budget


There are many different kinds of business letters, each identified by the reason for which it was written; a sales letter, for example, or a letter of reference. The hallmark of a well-written business letter is that its objective is clearly understood by its reader. Successful writers help their readers do this by limiting the scope, or the amount of information included in their correspondence. Keep in mind that an effective business letter always communicates with a person first and a business second. If your letter is a first-time correspondence and you do not know, or are unsure of whom to address, do your best to find out. Addressing your letter to a person improves the likelihood of receiving a reply. It is perfectly acceptable to make a phone call asking for the name of a contact person.

Your letter is about business so keep your tone and style businesslike. Friendly, too, but businesslike. Check your sentence structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Written words make an impression, just as spoken words do, so keep in mind this one thing; on paper words create a record. Your signature at the bottom of a letter indicates that you accept responsibility for its contents.


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