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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 521.

Adverbs of manner (answer the question how?)

Many adverbs of manner are made from adjectives + -ly:

quick - quickly; wide - widely; bad - badly


BUT: Irregular form : good - well

She is a good singer. She sings well.


To form adverbs from adjectives ending in -ly (friendly, cowardly, lonely, lovely, etc.) we use adverbial phrases: in a ... way/manner/fashion

Meg always greets me in a friendly way.


Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives: fast, little, early, far

He's got a fast car. - He drives fast.

My sister is a little girl. - He knows little of other countries.

She's in her early teens. - He gets up early.

He comes from the far north of Scotland. - Does he live far?


Some adverbs have two forms and different meanings:

a) without -ly

hard, late, high, near;

He works hard. (= He works a lot.)

They usually come home late. (= They come home near the end of the day.)

I can jump high. (= I can jump at a height of about 1 metre.)

He lives quite near. (= He lives not far from here.)

b) with -ly

hardly, lately, highly, nearly (adverb of degree).

He hardly earns any money. (= He doesn't earn enough money.)

He is a highly successful salesman. (= He is a very successful salesman.)

lately = recently (is used in the Present Perfect Tense)

I'm nearly ready. (I'm almost ready.)


Exercise 13. Write the adverbs.

slow slowly smart __ early __
fast __ little __ lazy __
careful __ bad __ full __
quiet __ intelligent __ deep __
wide __ gentle __ new __
good __ true __ terrible __
far __ serious __ warm __


Exercise 14. Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb).

Example: You speak German perfect /perfectly - just like a native.

You speak German perfectly - just like a native.

1. Please talk quiet/quietly. I don't want to wake up the baby.

2. Don't drive so quick/quickly. It's dangerous.

3. In summer it hard/hardly rains at all in this part of the country.

4. Please don't be angry/angrily with me.

5. It's about midnight and I'm near/nearly asleep.

6. He plays the guitar good /well.

7. The music is too loud/loudly. We can't talk.

8. His English is very good/well.

9. It'sdangerous /dangerously to swim in the sea here.

10. Her friend's brother lives near/nearly, in the same neighborhood.


Exercise 15. Change the adjectives into adverbs or adverbial phrases in the following sentences.

Example: He's a bad driver. He drives badly.

1. She's a hard worker. She works __.

2. My sister is a good cook. She cooks __.

3. He's a fast runner. He runs __.

4. She's glad to help. She helps __.

5. That restaurant isn't far away from here. We don't have to go __.

6. Don't be so unfriendly! Don't look at me __.

7. He's a quick thinker. He thinks __.

8. Be careful! Act __.


Adverbs of place (answer the question where?)

They work here.

His house is situated at the end of the street.


Exercise 16. Complete the sentences with the prepositions of place: at, in, on.

1. He lives ___ the corner of Green Street and Links Road.

2. My uncle and aunt live ___ Milan now.

3. We usually meet ___ the station.

4. There's some tea ___ the shelf ___ the cupboard.

5. Turin is ___ the north of Italy, ___ the river Po.

6. My brother isn't ___ work today, it's his day off.

7. We meet ___ town every Sunday morning.


Adverbs of time (answer the question when?)

He gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning.

The conference starts on the 10th of October.


Exercise 17. Read the text and complete it with the prepositions of time: at, in, on.

Kevin works as a receptionist in a big hotel. He gets up ___ (1) seven every day and then goes jogging in the park before breakfast. He has his lunch in the hotel ___ (2) noon almost every day, but ___ (3) Wednesdays he meets a group of friends at a restaurant. He trains a youth-club volleyball team two evenings a week ___ (4) winter. It starts ___ (5) September and ends ___ (6) May. They play in a league.

It's different___ (7) weekends. He usually stays in bed late and gets up ___ (8) nine or nine-thirty. He's always busy ___ (9) Saturdays ___ (10) winter. His volleyball team often have their matches ___ (11) Saturday mornings and ___ (12) the afternoons he usually watches his old school team's basketball matches. He often has friends in for dinner ___ (13) Saturday evenings. ___ (14) Sundays his elder daughter, Helen, usually cooks lunch, and it's very nice to get home___ (15) lunch-time, and find a delicious meal ready. ___ (16) the evening Kevin and his family go out to the theatre or to the cinema. Of course,___(17) Christmas they are all together at home but ___ (18) New Year's Day they go to his parents' house.

Kevin's birthday is ___ (19) the 1st of November and they usually eat out in the city center.

Kevin and his wife, Kelly, are interested in flower arranging. ___ (20) Wednesday they go to flower arranging classes.


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