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Б. Контрольная работа по аспекту «Техника речи и устных выступлений»


Задание 1. Прочитайте каждое слово, обращая внимание на произношение ударных слогов и не забывая редуцировать и сокращать безударную гласную: photograph, photography, photografic, family, familiar, familiarity, competent, competitor, competition, diplomat, diplomacy, diplomatic, personal, personify, personality, democrat, democracy, democratic, telegraph, telegraphy, telegraphic, politics, political, politician.   Задание 2. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на ударные слоги. Как количество ударных слогов влияет на значение этих слов?   a 'freeway – a 'free 'way, a 'blue-bird – a 'blue 'bird, a 'board-walk – a 'board 'walk, a 'blue-bottle – a 'blue 'bottle, a 'bluebell – a 'blue 'bell, a 'blackboard – a 'black board, a 'white-board – a 'white 'board, an 'English teacher – an 'English 'teacher, 'washing machines – 'washing 'machines, 'playing cards – 'playing 'cards, the 'White House – the 'white 'house, 'cheapskates – 'cheap 'skates, a 'yellow-hammer – a 'yellow 'hammer, a 'dark-room – a 'dark 'room, a 'greenhouse a 'green 'house, a 'red-coat – a 'red 'coat, 'Red-brick – a 'red 'brick, a 'green-fly – a 'green 'fly, a 'bottleneck – a 'bottle 'neck, a 'hotbed – a 'hot 'bed, a 'red-tape – a 'red 'tape.   Задание 3.Расставьте ударение в предложениях:
  1. I’ve lost my briefcase.
  2. It’s a black leather briefcase with a brown handle.
  3. There are nine bars and restaurants in the store.
  4. Many people sleep outside the store all night to be the first in when the doors open.
  5. “All things, for all people, everywhere” is the store’s motto.
  6. In modern-day York, thieves often throw away empty purses and wallets.
  7. Every Monday when we came back to the site after going away for the weekend, we found empty purses and wallets which had been thrown over the fence round the site.
  8. In the opinion of many people, the law is a necessary evil that should be used only when everyday, informal ways of settling disputes break down.
  9. With more international business and travel and a growing awareness that many socio-economic and environment problems need global solutions, the future of the world of law appears to be one of internationalization.
  Задание 4.Прочитайте следующие предложения, выразив предупреждение, запрет или требование:
  1. Don’t sit too near. Careful.
  2. Mind your head.
  3. Careful. The chair is broken.
  4. Hurry up, everyone. The bus is leaving.
  5. You shouldn’t drive so fast.
  6. Anyway, you aren’t going in the right direction.
  Задание 5.Прочитайте предложения, обращая внимание на редуцированную форму вспомогательного глагола «have»:
  1. Miranda has gone to Moscow.
  2. Philip has been in Paris for two years.
  3. Ann had suggested going out.
  4. I have got to go to the library.
  5. Miranda must have been working.
  6. Jane may have spoken to Jenny yesterday.
  7. Tom should have gone to bed earlier last night.
  8. It would have been better if you had finished it last Friday


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