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Addition and Subtraction

5 + 7 = 12 - five plus seven equals twelve

66 + 13 = 79 - sixty-six plus thirteen is equal to seventy-nine

a + b = с - a plus b is equal to с

15-6 = 9- fifteen minus six equals nine

81 - 33 = 48 - eighty-one minus thirty-three is equal to forty-eight

с - b = a - с minus b equals a

2. Solve these problems and read them:


99 + 77 = 8-3 = 315 + 145 =
61-50 = 47-18 = 859 - 600 =
114 + 316 = 1,203+419 = 4,444 + 7,777 =
b + d = d-c = a-b =

Pair work. Think of six problems of your own. Put them down. Ask your groupmate to solve them.


a) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation.

b) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.

multiplication to multiply multiplied by once twice three times four times division to divide divided by
[.rrultipli'keij'n] ['nultiplai] [wAns] [twais]

умножение умножать умноженное на один раз

[drvi3n] [diVaid]

дважды, два раза три раза четыре раза деление делить деленное на

1. a) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation.

b) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.

дроби десятичные дроби простые дроби числитель знаменатель нуль нуль нуль точка
fractions decimal fractions common fractions numerator denominator nought zero point


[.desimal 'fraekjanz]

[.кэтзп 'fraekjanz]








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Луговая, А.Л | Common and Decimal Fractions

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