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Theme 6: Interviewing skills in pursuing a desired job - why is it necessary to have outstanding interviewing skills nowadays?

Цель проекта: Выявить проблемы, касающиеся данной темы в нашей стране, в странах изучаемого языка, установить причинно-следственные связи, на данной основе разработать и предложить алгоритм решения существующей проблемы.


Problem: interview procedures and interviewing skills.

Aim: to identify how to pass different interviews effectively.

Objective: to find out the main peculiarities of various interviews, to develop interviewing skills.


General OBLIGATORYInstructions:

- Use power point to design creative slides and present the information;

- Don’t write more than 10 words in one slide.

- Use various VIDEO or AUDIO files to illustrate examples;

- Bring statistics and necessary data in schemes;

- Remember to mention the resources you used to analyze.

- Each group member must take an equal participation.

- Remember to mention the sources of information. Use footnotes.


Stage 1: The interrelation between interview procedures and getting a job. What is the main role of work nowadays? Prestigious jobs in Kazakhstan and abroad. Why is it necessary to learn English and to have outstanding interviewing skills?

a) Design Fact concerning the theme of the project work. Find the data in the Internet chats, Internet journals, news or websites. Say:

- What is the main reason of existence of a link between education and career nowadays?

- What consequences can we face up to as a result of this problem in our society?

- How can good interviewing skills contribute to getting a “dream-work”?


b) Design a statistics data of the value of work in Kazakhstan, the UK, and the USA today. Say:

- Statistics data of the value of educated specialists in the process of globalization.


Stage 2: Present the interrelation and interdependence of interviews on getting a prestigious job in the rapid process of globalization nowadays. Illustrate your opinion with exact examples.


Stage 3: Identify how to deal with job interviews successfully and how to pass different interviews effectively. List the main peculiarities of various interview types.

a) Provide different strategies of solving this challenge.

b) Describe and show the similarities and differences in interview structure existing in Kazakhstan, Great Britain, and the USA.

c) Write down and present different strategies and techniques for being successful at an interview.

Stage 4: Presentation of the project.


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Theme 5: The interrelation between interview procedures and getting a job in Kazakhstan and abroad | Theme 7: Different verbal and non-verbal behavioral features of a translator before and during the interview

Дата добавления: 2015-06-30; просмотров: 258; Нарушение авторских прав

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