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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 528.

Small and medium sized enterprises are one of the main driving forces of any market economy. Despite many shortcomings, small and medium business shows high mobility, flexibility and dynamism. Developing himself, he contributes to the development of the economy as a whole, providing jobs, reducing unemployment, increasing GDP.

The level of development of small and medium-sized businesses is different in different countries and even within one country it can be developed unevenly. For example, in Western Europe, Japan and the United States, small and medium-sized enterprises occupy about 70% -90% of the total amount of enterprises. Russia on this indicator is far behind due to the fact that in our country the development of small and medium-sized businesses began only in the early 90s.

The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is one of the priorities of the state policy in the Russian Federation. In this regard, there are a range of government programs to support small and medium-sized enterprises.

Segment of small and medium-sized businesses always don't have enough own funds for current needs or for the development and expansion of production. That's why banks play a huge role in the activities of small and medium business. Before 1994 banks had been afraid to lend to small and medium-sized enterprises due to high risks, but by 2015 the situation has completely changed. Now commercial banks compete for this segment. Small and medium enterprises only benefit from this competition. There is an increase of the attractiveness of credit products for small and medium-sized enterprises that means lower interest rates, increase in the amount and terms of credit, etc. Banks begin to lend to the start up business.

Banking Sector Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015 involves improving the conditions of lending to SMEs. This includes minimizing the package of documents for a loan, the shortening in time of applications for loans by credit institutions and at the same time improving and upgrading forms of cooperation between banks and customers by remote access.

Regarding banking products for SMEs it is desirable to include the types which were mentioned in the third part of the work such as untargeted credit of up to 3 mln rubles, start up unsecured loan, loans under the guarantee of the various funds and other forms.

It is important to understand that some of these types of loans are issued when an organization has just start its activities or the entrepreneur's only going to open a business. But even the big banks do not consider it as they are afraid to take high risks. Therefore, in addition to the guarantees and ready business plans, the bank can provide services for the creating and development of a business plan based on customer preferences.

In addition, the efficiency of interaction between banks to SMEs can be improved by the following steps:

1. Consideration of both quantitative and qualitative factors in evaluating the creditworthiness of the borrower and his business reputation;

2. Permanent collection of information from different sources about the activities of the customer;

3. The implementation of a mechanism which provides additional services, such as counseling, assistance in maintaining accounting records, personnel management and production, etc .from bank to the borrower;

4. And finally, the need to develop scoring models for SMEs for each economic sector separately that will be useful in our Russian reality, as well as the further development of securitization of bank loans for the given segment of business.

It should be noted that the main trend in 2013 was the implementation of credit-line or "credit factories". Through this implementation banks have significantly reduced the period of consideration of loan applications, but increased risks of lending, which led to higher interest rates. By 2015 banks slightly reduced pace of implementation of this type of lending. At the same time banks started to lend more to business owners as heads of the organizations. The consequences of this trend are unknown for the long period. We can just wait for the results and make right conclusions from all this.

Thus, in Russia SME stands in the way of active and dynamic development. In some areas the experience of foreign countries is adopted. In the area of ​​interaction of credit institutions with small and medium sized businesses there has been significant progress: new technologies were implemented and existing loan products were optimized. Credit relations between banks and SMEs reached a new higher level. At the same time some problems that can't be solved by the State are still remain for example the impact of external political factors like sanctions.

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