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Tools for appraisals, assessments and individual/group training needs analysis

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 481.

The following are few examples of tools and materials that relate closely to the appraisals process, and particularly for identifying and prioritising individual and collective group training needs, all of which is commonly referred to Training Needs Analysis, or TNA.

Modern integrated computerised HR/training management systems will offer more sophisticated functionality than these simple tools, however these templates and traning needs analysis (TNA) spreadsheets can be useful for basic requirements, and also for specifying and evolving more modern complex learning and development management systems.

Bear in mind that these assessments and TNA tools are concerned principally with conventional work skills and attributes, and how to identify and prioritise group development needs. You should consider separately how best develop unique personal potential in every person, since a person's unique personal potential is usually quite different to the skills implied or required by their job role. See the 'Fantasticat' concept for ideas about nurturing and encouraging development of unique personal potential.

Various other templates and tools for learning and development which can be used alongside appraisals processes are available from the free resources section.

The resources below are available as in different file formats including PDF's, MSWord or Excel working tools.


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