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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 476.

Culture is a very big deal to every country or group and cultural awareness is critical in the business relationship in every level. When working in the global commercial environment, knowledge of the impact of cultural differences is one of the keys to international business success. Improving levels of cultural awareness can help companies build international competencies and enable individuals to become more globally sensitive. If you don't have the right level of knowledge about these issues, you are taking a gamble every time you work cross-border – why bet on the future of your business or your career?


In the States everything is quantified and assessed. All processes are analysed in a detailed manner. The relationship between employer and employee is a transactional one — where relationship and sentiment are a luxury which cannot be justified. Employees come and go, perform necessary tasks at particular points in the life cycle of the company and then leave when no longer required for the wellbeing of the organisation. The CEO of an American organisation holds great sway within the company. accountability within the company tends to be vertical and easily observable. Americans like to know exactly where they stand, what are their responsibilities and to whom they report. When asked to describe meetings in the USA, a word which Americans often use is 'aggressive'. This 'confrontational' approach, (where openly and directly debating all the relevant issues even at the expense of personal relationships is valued) is very alien to those cultures who always put diplomacy and harmony at the heart of their approach to meetings. In the States, teams are groups of individuals brought together for the moment to complete a given task or project. During the period that the group is together, everybody is expected to be fully committed to the common goals and to work with dedication and purpose to ensure that those goals are achieved. It is important to show enthusiasm for the project and to show belief in the ultimate achievement of the objectives. It is important to be seen to be ‘politically correct' on gender issues in the workplace. Treat a woman as you would a man in all business dealings — any perceived stereotyping would be regarded very badly. Dress code in the States is very variable. Gift giving is unusual in the States and many companies have policies to restrict or forbid the acceptance of presents. Also you should remember that time is money in the States - wasting people's time through vagueness is lack of a sense of purpose which will not produce good results.

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Ex.4 Use active word expressions (from ex.2) to make up new word collocations | ÏÅÐÅ×ÅÍÜ ÂÎÏÐÎÑÎÂ Ê ÝÊÇÀÌÅÍÓ ÏÎ ÊÓËÜÒÓÐÎËÎÃÈÈ
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