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Culture and etiquette

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 459.

My grandfather was from Ukraine so I decided to tell some facts about this country, moreover Ukraine is close to our culture.

When you meet your Ukrainian friend you should shake hands and maintain direct eye contact if you are man. If you are a woman you can simply say “Hello” and nod.

As in our country gifts at the 1st meeting are not exchanged but if you are invited to home you should bring flowers except yellow, because yellow flowers are a symbol of separation; chocolates, liquor or smth like this.

When you talk with Ukrainians you should be ready that “no” doesn't mean “no” as well. If you offer them food and they say “no” it means that they expect it to be offered again. They are very kind to people in conversation and they don't want to upset you so they will dance around the subject especially around difficult or unpleasant topic.

There is not much touching during conversation, but you should look directly in the eyes.

In business you should be punctual and be on time at the meetings. Your business card should be in Ukrainian. Business meetings should to be structured, beginning and ending with a small talk. It is best to wait for the host to begin and to end a talk.


I think that Russian people will not have problems with culture of Ukraine, but we can find some strange things in a culture of India.


At the 1st meeting, if you are a man you should wait when woman decides to initiate contact, because a lot of women will avoid contacts with men in public situations. Moreover such forms of greetings like hugs and kisses are forbidden.

If you want to have a good business you should use titles – they are very important and bring a small gift – it is not necessary but it will be accepted graciously. You should be very carefull with you present – don't present alcohol, leather, piskin or dog related presents. It is not a good idea to present money. Choose flowers or chocolate – they are safe gifts.

Be careful during communication - they don't like to say “no” – they will say “I'll try” or if they say “yes” to a question while bobbling their heads – it means “no”.

Don't make eye contact, don't touch hair and heads – head is the seat of the soul, don't wink and the most strange “don't” – don't say “Thank you” to a host after meal – it is a form of payment therefore can be insulting.

What about business meetings – you should be on time but be ready for waiting. Don't forget to defer to the most senior person in the room. Meetings usually begin with small talks. You can discuss family, educational background, sports, but avoid politics, religion and Kashmir region.

Don't be rude and maintain harmony at all costs and everything will be great!


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