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Classical Turkic literature

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 452.

Codex cumanicus

The Codex Cumanicus was a linguistic manual of the Middle Ages, designed to help Catholic missionaries toocommunicate with the Cumans/Polovtsy. It is currently housed in the Library of St. Mark, in Venice (Cod. Mar. Lat. DXLIX).

The first (fol. 1r-55v) is a practical handbook of the Kipchak tongue, containing glossaries of words in vulgar Italo-Latin and translations into Persian and Kipchak.

The second part (fol. 56r-82v) is a collection of various religious texts (including a translation of the Lord's Prayer) and riddles in Kipchak, translated into Latin and Eastern Middle High German. This part of the Codex is referred to as the "German" or "Missionary's Book" and is believed to have been compiled by German Franciscans.

In 9-12 centuries with the development of oral folk literature and written literature forming the first concept of the imagery, artistic, educational value of art expression. Dictionary Diwaniyah lugat al-Turk, Mahmud Kashgar – vivid evidence of the cultural level of the Turkic peoples in the 11 century. Despite the linguistic character, the dictionary is considered a literary-historical and ethnographic collection. It also has several hundred lines of poetry, dozens of proverbs, sayings, wise aphorisms.

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