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Vocabulary notes

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 432.

vicinity (n.) surrounding district; nearness
profound (a.) having or showing great knowledge or insight; requiring much study or thought; deep, intense, far-reaching
to revive (v.) come or bring back to consciousness or life or strength; come or bring to existence or use or notice
hoary (a.) (of hair) white or grey with age having such hair, aged; (of joke) old
zest (n.) piquancy, stimulating flavour or quality; keen enjoyment or interest
in vogue in fashion, generally current
entreaties (n.) earnest requests
to talk through one's hat (not formal) to speak foolishly; not make sense



to dabble in smth (v.) take casual interest or part (in activity or subject); wet
to capacity (n.) to the full, fully
under (mental) strain injury caused by severe demand on mental or physical strength or resources
to underrate (v.) to have too low an opinion of
to be in the low water to have ill luck, to be spoken about, connected with scandals
to go awry to be wrong, amiss
to have a fit (col.) be greatly surprised or outraged

· Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations . Recall the situations from the story.

1. an investigation into smth
2. to pursue smth
3. to come on smth
4. to take a hold on (public mind)
5. to be at one's service
6. to be founded on a fact
7. to credit smb with smth
8. a man of thirty-odd
9. to square up things
10. to do away with smb
11. to be an authority upon the subject
12. to take a profound hold on smb/ smth
13. to tackle smb on the subject

· Questions (when possible make use of the words and word combinations given above).

1. How did Poirot happen to get involved into the investigation of four coincidental deaths?

2. Which impression did Poirot produce on Lady Willard, Dr. Ames, Dr. Tosswill?

3. What made Poirot's friend puzzle all the time over?

4. What did Dr. Ames die of?

5. What led Poirot to the conclusion that it was Dr. Ames who had arranged the three deaths? What made Dr. Ames become a murderer?


  • Characters :

a) Which of the adjectives and word combinations characterize

the main heroes of the story? (Your choice should be illustrated by the facts from the story)


artful; observant; sceptic; prudent; wise; to be a deep one; to be a matter-of-fact person; to foresee; to be a good tactician and strategist

b) Give character sketches of the main heroes of the story.

Talking points.

1. How would you explain a human belief in superstitions?

2. Do you happen to believe in any? Which ones? Why?

3. What do you think it might feel to be a superstitious person?

Which to your mind is better: to have or lack superstitions?

4. Do you think there is any difference between a belief and a superstition? Justify your point of view. (Give more than two reasons)

· Prepositions

1. I have always considered that one ... the most thrilling and dramatic ... the many adventures I have shared ... Poirot was that ... our investigation ... the strange series of deaths which followed ... the discovery and opening of the Tomb.

2. Poirot received a brief note ... Lady Willard, widow ... the dead archeologist, asking him to go and see her ... her house ... Kensington Square.

3. He is so fascinated ... the work that he intends to take his father's place and carry ... the system of excavations.

4. I looked ... him ... surprise. I should never have credited Poirot ... being superstitious. But the little man was obviously ... earnest.

5. He duly sent ... his cable.

6. I've a good friend I can borrow... .

7. A horrible thought flashed ... me.


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