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Vocabulary notes

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 406.

awe (n.) wonder or admiration charged with reverence or fear
sleuth (n.) detective
modest (a.) having humble or moderate estimate of one's own merits; diffident; decorous in manner and conduct; (of demand, statement, etc.) not excessive or exaggerated; unpretentious in appearance, amount, etc.
hackneyed made commonplace or trite by long overuse
to buckle down (v.) make determined start
to chuckle (v.) emit quiet or suppressed laugh; exult over
apt (a.) suitable, appropriate; having a tendency; quick-witted
to be ga - ga to be crazy; out of mind



filthy (a.) extremely or disgustingly dirty; obscene; (of weather) (col.)very unpleasant

· Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations . Recall the situations from the story.

1. to make one's point
2. to make one's acquaintance
3. to fling a glance at smb
4. to come to the rescue
5. to sound callous
6. to be a blow to smb
7. to convert smth into smth
8. to live up to one's principles
9. to convey smth to smb
10. to sharpen one's wits
11. to tease smb
12. to occupy oneself with smth
13. to fake smth
14. to take into consideration
15. to get fun out of doing smth

· Questions (when possible make use of the words and word combinations given above).

1. Why was Miss Marple invited to Jane's party?

2. Which impression did Miss Marple produce on the young couple? Why?

3. Describe Uncle Mathew and his ways.

4. What would he promise Jane and Edward? Did he keep his promise?

5. What was hidden in a secret drawer?

6. Which puzzle did the letters contain?

7. What made Edward groan?


· Comment on the following:

1. “He kept the money somewhere else (not in the safe) - behind some volumes of sermons in the library. He said people never took a book of that kind out of the shelf.”


a) Was he right? Why?

b) Which to your mind is the best way of keeping money? Justify your point of view.

2. In the very end of the story Miss Marple said: “...that's just what these old gentlemen who are fond of their jokes never realize.”

a) What did she mean ? Explain your point of view.

3. As you remember Uncle Mathew “ ... said, “You'll be all

right, my pretty pair of doves.” Then he tapped his eye and winked” at them...

a) Do you think he was inclined to tease them a little? Why?

b)Was such attitude characteristic only of the Uncle or is it a

usual thing with old people? Justify your point of view.


· Characters

a)Which of the adjectives and word combinations characterize

the main heroes of the story? (Your choice should be illustrated

by the facts from the story)


to possess a good sense of humour; to be modest; to know much about human nature; to be curious; to take life as a big puzzle; to be kind; to be soft-hearted; to be a good actress; to look commonplace; to be scrupulous

b) Give character sketches of the main heroes of the story.


· Talking points:

1. Much is said about the gap between the generations; the problems fathers and sons face... What do you think of the relationship between grandfathers and grandsons? Does such a problem exist? Justify your point of view.

· Prepositions

1. They had been ... the kitchen garden. They had been ... the little woods, where every important tree had been dug... and gazed sadly... the surface ... the lawn. They had been ... ... the attic. They had been ... ... the cellars.

2. As she was stepping ... ... the bath the mat slipped ... ... her and she had a very nasty fall.

3. She sat ... ... the table and methodically worked ... the documents. As she replaced each one, she sorted them ... little heaps. When she had finished she sat staring ... front ... her ... some minutes.

4. He bought rare stamps ... dealers and was careful to “cover his tracks”.

Uncle Mathew sent ... a favourite niece ... a five - pound note ... a Christmas present.

5. She was annoyed ... his meanness and threw the card ... the fire. His feelings ... Uncle Henry had suffered an abrupt and complete.


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