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Good advice

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 500.

В поезде.

Разговорчивый пассажир спросил женщину, которая была с ним в одном купе: «Есть ли у вас семья, мадам?»

«Да, сэр, один сын», ответила она.

«Действительно! Он курит?», он продолжал спрашивать.

«Нет, сэр, он никогда не притрагивался к сигарете», сказала она.

«Тем лучше, мадам. Табак – это яд. Состоит ли он в каком-нибудь клубе?

«Он никогда там не был», ответила она.

«Тогда я вас поздравляю. Приходит ли он домой поздно ночью?», снова спросил он.

«Никогда. Он всегда ложится спать сразу после ужина», сказала она.

«Он примерный молодой человек, мадам. Сколько ему лет?», спросил пассажир.

«Сегодня исполнилось десять месяцев», вот каков был ответ.

Soldiers are trained to jump from the airplanes. They have parachutes that open in the air, so that they can fall safely to the ground. A sergeant was once instructing his soldiers. One of them asked him: “What must I do if the parachute does not open when I jump out?” “Oh, that's all right, you just bring it back and you will get another one” said the sergeant.

A pretty young woman was driving the car when something went wrong with her engine. The traffic lights changed from green to red and back to green and still she could not get her car to move. At last a traffic policeman came up. “What's the matter, miss? - he said. Haven't we got the colours you like?”

When a party was over, the hostess offered to drive one of her guests home. It was a cold night and a frost settled thickly over the windscreen. Twice there was nearly an accident and a nervous guest tactfully suggested that it might help if the frost were cleared from the windscreen. ”It won't help much” said the driver “like a fool I left my glasses at home”.

1) How did the sergeant react at the question of one soldier who wasn't sure that his parachute doesn't open in the air?

2) Soldiers are trained to jump from the airplanes, aren't they?

3) What happened to a pretty young woman, when she was driving the car?

4) What did a hostess leave at home?

5) She offered to drive one of her quests home, didn't she?

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