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The sailor and the monkeys

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 981.

Питомец моряка.

Говорят, что моряки очень любят птиц и держат их в клетках в качестве домашних питомцев. История повествует о моряке, который, когда его корабль был в Вест – Индии, был так восхищен великолепными перьями попугаев, которых он видел на распродаже на рынке, что решил купить одного. «Я пошлю его домой, к своей дорогой матушке, сказал он себе. Она очень одинока там, в пригороде. Попугай может говорить несколько слов, и он будет для нее собеседником». В итоге, он купил и отдал попугая другому моряку, который отправлялся домой, с подробными инструкциями о том, как и где он должен вести птицу. Прошел месяц или два и сын получил письмо от своей матери. Она поблагодарила его за птицу. «Это была действительно прекрасная птица, она написала. У нее были действительно великолепные перья! Но ты не представляешь, какое жесткое было мясо!»

Once a sailor went a shore on the coast of South America. He had a number of blue woolen caps with him, which he wanted to sell. On his way to the town at some distance from the coast he had to pass through a forest in which there were great numbers of monkeys.

At noon as the sun was right over head, the sailor decided to have a rest as it was very hot. He laid down under the shade of a large tree, took one of the caps out of his bundle, put it on his head and was soon feel asleep.

When he awoke, he found to his surprise that the caps were all gone. Soon he heard a loud noise among the thick branches above him and he looked up. He saw the trees alive with monkeys and on the head of each monkey was a blue woolen cap. The monkeys had watched his actions, had stolen his caps while he slept and had put them on and now they didn't pay attention to these shouts. When the sailor saw that he could not get his caps back, he pulled off the one which he had on his head, threw it on the ground, crying out: “If you want to keep the rest you may take this one too”.

1) What country does the story take place?

2) Why did a sailor carry a number of blue woolen caps with him?

3) The town was situated on the coast, wasn't it?

4) Why did the sailor decide to have a rest?

5) What happened in the forest?

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