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Do you always remember your dreams?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 477.

Do you think dreams ever come true? Have you ever had a recurring dream? Can you describe a memorable dream?

3. The main parts of the three ghost stories you have read in the book took place at night. This is a mysterious time when anything can happen. Here is the beginning of the ‘Belly button monster' story. Read it and make up the end of the story.

Once upon the time there was a little girl whose name was Tanja. There was one thing that Tanja liked to do at night before she went to bed. She pulled her pajama top so that her belly button was showing. But Tanja's parents said: ‘Tanja, you shouldn't go to bed like that, with your belly button showing, because if you do, the Belly Button Monster might come and take your belly button!' But that didn't bother Tanja at all.

One night Tanja was in her bed, sleeping. While Tanja was sleeping, there was a rumbling sound outside and then, there was a rustling sound on the stairs and in her room came the Belly Button Monster. He had a sack full of belly buttons over his shoulder, about 500 belly buttons. And he put it down and he looked down – he saw Tanja's belly button! And it was one of the nicest belly buttons that he had ever seen; and he decided to take it while Tanja was sleeping. So he reached down, and he took her belly button. He put it in a sack and left.

Well, the next morning Tanja woke up. Oh, she had such a nice night sleep! She went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, took out some milk and drank it. But all the milk went down and out her belly button, and she was all covered with milk. Then, she decided to take a bath. And where do you suppose all the water went? Suddenly, Tanja was a big, rolled girl. And she didn't like that.

Tanja was a clever girl; she knew something about that Belly Button Monster. She knew that he had a very poor memory, and sometimes he came back to the house he had been to the very night before.

So, Tanja went to bed, closed her eyes, but she wasn't really sleeping. She just pretended! And the Belly Button Monster came with his sack full of belly buttons over the shoulder – 500 and one belly button. He put his sack down and he realized he had already been to this house. Suddenly, Tanja opened her eyes and said: ….

4.You can compare your end with the real one by watching the video with the story teller Irene Nicholson. Maybe one day you will tell this story to some children and they will also enjoy it too.

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