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Glossary. Religious Faith (pp52-56)

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 396.

1) Religion has meant many things in human history в истории человечества религия трактовалась по-разному Our professor told us that as religion had meant many things in human history, it's a difficult task to give a complete definition of the term.
2) From now onward в дальнейшем From now onward I won't repeat it twice! – said my mum angrily.
3) Which constitutes который составляет, считается Her victory constitutes not only victory over the rivals but over herself as well.
4) To be only one portion of the total universe являться лишь малой частью огромной вселенной Your successful graduating from university is only one portion of your total future.
5) Of which we know nothing positive о котором мы ничего не знаем наверняка He was a guy of whom we knew nothing positive.
6) The riddles of the natural order may be found explained загадки природы могут быть разгаданы The riddle of her birth circumstances may be found explained in the nearest future.
7) The mere scaffolding не более чем подпорки, подмостки She never considered her home to be more than the mere scaffolding.
8) To be a sphere of education являться способом развития личности Our centre as a sphere of education helps our listeners to grow individuals with strong personality.
9) One must in some fashion die человек должен до некоторой степени пожертвовать чем-то In order to become a legend one must in some fashion sacrifice one's family happiness on the altar of future success.
10) Absolutely and ultimately окончательно и бесповоротно This man is absolutely and ultimately my only destiny.
11) Good-will exceeds their perspicacity Их добрая воля доминирует над проницательностью People whose good-will exceeds over their perspicacity are not very likely to become presidents of the state.
12) New editions tuned to our contemporary ears новые издания, гармонирующие с нашими современными взглядам To tell you the truth, this dress doesn't tune to our contemporary ears, so don't even try it on.
13) As I said a while ago как я отмечал ранее As I said a while ago, southern tribes refused to surrender to northern ones.
14) In the opinion of a circle of persons в широко известных кругах Her conduct at the last party revealed her nature in the opinion of a circle of persons.
15) If I can in the short remainder of this hour если я успею за оставшееся время And now, if I can in the short remainder of this hour, I'd like to say a couple of words about my future daughter-in-law.
16) To assume on trust основывать на доверии My decision to let you in is only assumed on my trust in you.
17) As such a trust will seem to some of you поскольку такое доверие покажется некоторым из вас But as such high words of her will seem to some of you dishonest, I won't say a word any more.
18) I must first say прежде всего, мне следует сказать Before starting the lecture I must first say a word or two to introduce you into the course.
19) To weaken the veto смягчить запрет I can't weaken the veto even after your apology.
20) You may consider that science opposes to our act возможно, вы считаете, что наука противопоставляет его нашим действиям This museum with a world-wide popularity contains a thing which you may consider that science opposes to our act, but actually, you're mistaken.
21) An ingrained naturalism and materialism of mind врожденный натурализм и материализм сознания An ingrained naturalism and materialism of mind, it was not about her.
22) Facts that are actually tangible факты, которые не вызывают сомнений He wasn't intended to talk about facts that were actually tangible; he was more interested in what was behind the scene.
23) Of this sort of mind при таком подходе Of this sort of mind her actions are nothing but childish pranks.
24) Fondness for the word любовь к слову Fondness for swear words was her main disadvantage.
25) To kill an opinion разгромить идею Why are you always killing my opinions without giving me a chance to defend myself?
26) It must be granted that there is no slight excuse for необходимо понять, что оправданий этому нет It must be granted that there is no slight excuse for his cruel murder, he must be sent to prison!
27) Science has made such glorious leaps наука настолько сильно продвинулась вперед Science has made such glorious leaps in the last century that there is no doubt that sooner or later men of science will announce the invention of perpetuum mobile.
28) To extend one's knowledge of расширить границы знаний You can extend your knowledge of the universe by visiting Moscow planetarium.
29) So enormously both in general and in detail настолько сильно как в целом, так и в частности You've improved your work so enormously both in general and in detail so that you leave me nothing but give you a standing ovation.
30) To display such admirable virtues настолько потрясающе проявить свои лучшие качества She displayed such admirable virtues when gave up to make him win; he'll never forget that.
31) The details of the picture to fill in детали, необходимые для того, чтобы дополнить ими картину Her wedding dress is almost ready, there is just a couple of details of the picture to fill in.
32) To cast an eye upon the brevity обратить внимание на краткость If you cast an eye upon the brevity of his life you will appreciate how greatly he contributed to the poetry world by his three real masterpieces.
33) Score people двадцать человек There were only half a score people present at the class.
34) To speak for one's own generation говорить от лица своего поколения Today I stand before you on this speech day to speak for my own generation.
35) To carry someone away to the black unknown увести прочь к неразгаданным тайнам He did his best to carry her away to the black unknown of her past.
36) To tell their tale поведать свою историю Now it's time you told us your story, Peter.
37) Is it credible that можно ли этому поверить Is it credible that such a young girl of 16 years old can win such a big competition?
38) Mushroom knowledge знания, растущие как грибы In my humble opinion mushroom knowledge is not trustful to the fullest.
39) Whatever else be certain, this at least is certain Как бы то ни было, это точно Whatever else be certain, this at least is certain that he couldn't have been there.
40) To frame a positive idea сформировать достоверную идею You can frame no positive idea of this film seeing it only once.
41) To turn it to a practical use применять на практике Don't even try to turn this method of scientific research to a practical use, it will be all in vain.
42) To dream dreams мечтать о большом In my free time I like dreaming dreams and planning my future life.
43) To call our highest interests называть нашими высшими интересами I can hardly call the victory in this war our highest national interest.
44) This is a safe enough position in abstracto теоретически, это вполне безопасный ход This is a safe enough position in abstracto sitting there and keeping your opinion, but one day you'll have to speak your mind.
45) His wisest cue самое мудрое решение His wisest cue would be his visit to hospital and begging her for forgiveness.
46) It is not only inwardly difficult, it is also outwardly unrealizable это не только внутренне трудно, но и непостижимо со стороны Leaving her was not only inwardly impossible, it was also outwardly unbelievable.
47) Living attitudes неотъемлемая часть жизни Smoking and drinking were his living attitudes.
48) To be worthy of my confidence быть тем, кому можно доверять After the quarrel he ceased being worthy of her confidence once and for ever.
49) To leave it uninsured не страховать When travelling by plane, they never leave there lives uninsured.
50) Sheer dogmatic folly простая догматическая пренебрежительность It was sheer dogmatic folly to be convinced that the Earth is a parallelepiped
51) Take science itself! взять, например, саму науку Don't believe her, she lies to everyone. Take her mother, for instance! Even she can't trust her daughter, though the only and beloved one.
52) Science as such assuredly has no authority наука, как таковая, определенно, не имеет права University as such assuredly has no authority to force students to study.
53) To define in detail подробно описать Could you, please, define this occasion in detail?
54) To be primarily given us to do быть данными нам в первую очередь для того, чтобы The right to vote was primarily given us to be able to choose our future ourselves.
55) To live in the light of them жить, принимая их во внимание You'd better live in the light of your relatives and friends, they care much about you.
56) The bare assurance that одна лишь уверенность в том, что The bare assurance that he is to blame doesn't give you the right to accuse him of it.
57) A mere sign or vision просто знак или образ It wasn't a mere sign or vision; it was something more, more than anyone had ever seen or could ever imagine.
58) However, vague as it is хотя она и так уже еле заметна He was about to destroy their relationships, however, vague as they were.
59) The wild-eyed look at life отчаянный взгляд на жизнь Mother was extremely anxious about her daughter's wild-eyed look at life.
60) The application comes directly home to you and me мы все осознаем Suddenly it came directly home to me how badly I wanted to buy that luxurious car.
61) But granting we are not certain но учитывая то, что мы не уверены We seem to have found a solution to your problem, but granting we are not certain, we are not going to insist on your following our advice.
62) A bare trust in слепая вера в Your bare trust in his high morals is ridiculous.
63) To be vividly suggested to показываться на ярком примере The new scientific theory was vividly suggested to us by several diagrams.
64) To be revealed to their intelligence быть постигнутым их разумом The theorem was too complicated to be revealed to our intelligence.
65) To play the cardinal part играть главную роль This person happened to play the cardinal part in my life.
66) Without an inkling of what it all means без малейшего представления о том, что это все значит She phoned him first, without an inkling of what it all meant.
67) To take another case взять другой случай If you don't believe in this, take another case of his fraud.
68) (not) A single redeeming ray (ни) единого спасительного луча She was lying on the floor bleeding and seeing not a single redeeming ray.
69) Diabolical-seeming events ужасные события She will never be able to forget those diabolical-seeming events, having destroyed her happiness once and forever
70) Poor benighted mind скудные умственные способности Poor benighted mind have been preventing many people from learning foreign languages.
71) Now turn from this to а сейчас перейдём к It was Mary's life story; now turn from this to Michael's one.
72) It appears to me мне кажется It appears to me that he is not lying.
73) If you surrender to предаться If you surrender to this gloomy mood, you'll spoil your weekends with your own hands.
74) To make a picture totally black полностью усугубить сложившуюся обстановку Don't make a picture totally black, cheer up!
75) Throughout the whole sphere на протяжении всего Throughout the whole sphere of our journey she was constantly complaining about everything in the world.
76) However thickly evils crowd upon you как бы густо не сгущались над тобой краски I'm not going to give up, however thickly evils crowd upon me!
77) To prove to be their match оказывается, им подходит After 2 years of marriage she proved to be his match.
78) Small as they are in bulk как бы их не было много Money, small as it is in bulk, has a tendency to end sometime.
79) Integral parts of the whole thing неотъемлемая часть единого целого Remember, that you are an integral part of the whole thing, the team needs you as well as you need the team!
80) That verify themselves говорят сами за себя The results of the game verify themselves.
81) World's goodness всемирное добро They are ready to do their best for the sake of the world's goodness.
82) Once more it is the case of и опять же речь идет о They kissed and never parted; once more it was the case of happy-end.
83) For my own part говоря за себя For my own part, I wouldn't buy this doubtful tomato, it's too red.
84) To withdraw at will выйти из игры по собственному желанию You can't withdraw at will; you have to ask for permission.
85) Dumb region of the heart безмолвное пространство In such a dumb region of the heart it's easy to feel alone.



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