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Historical overviewDate: 2015-10-07; view: 462. Introduction The study of critical phenomena has long been a breeding ground for new ideas in theoretical physics. Such behaviour is characterised by a diverging correlation length and cannot easily be approximated by considering small systems with only a few degrees of freedom. Initially, it appeared that the analytic study of such problems was a hopeless task, although self-consistent approaches such as mean field theory were often successful in providing a semi-quantitative description. Following Onsager's calculation of the free energy of the square lattice Ising model in 1944, steady progress was made in the exact solution of an ever-increasing number of lattice models in two dimensions. While many of these are physically relevant, and the techniques used have spawned numerous spin-offs in the theory of integrable systems, it is fair to say that these methods have not cast much light on the general nature of the critical state. In addition, virtually no progress has been made from this direction in finding analytic solutions to such simple and important problems as percolation. An important breakthrough occurred in the late 1960's, with the development of renormalisation group (RG) ideas by Wilson and others. The fundamental realisation was that, in the scaling limit where both the correlation length and all other macroscopic length scales are much larger than that of the microscopic interactions, classical critical systems are equivalent to renormalisable quantum field theories in euclidean space-time. Since there is often only a finite or a denumerable set of such field theories with given symmetries, at a stroke this explained the observed phenomenon of universality: systems with very different constituents and microscopic interactions nevertheless exhibit the same critical behaviour in the scaling limit. This single idea has led to a remarkable unification of the theoretical bases of particle physics, statistical mechanics and condensed matter theory, and has led to extensive cross-fertilisation between these disciplines. These days, a typical paper using the ideas and methods of quantum field theory is as likely to appear in a condensed matter physics journal as in a particle physics publication (although there seems to be a considerable degree of conservatism among the writers of field theory text books in recognising this fact). Two important examples of this interdisciplinary flow were the development of lattice gauge theories in particle physics, and the application of conformal field theory (CFT), first developed as a tool in string theory, to statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. As will be explained later, in two-dimensional classical systems and quantum systems in 1 + 1 dimensions conformal symmetry is extremely powerful, and has led to a cornucopia of new exact results. Essentially, the RG programme of classifying all suitable renormalisable quantum field theories in two dimensions has been carried through to its conclusion in many cases, providing exact expressions for critical exponents, correlation functions, and other universal quantities. However the geometrical, as opposed to the algebraic, aspects of conformal symmetry are not apparent in this approach. One minor but nevertheless theoretically influential prediction of these methods was the conjectured crossing formula [1] for the probability that, in critical percolation, a cluster should exist which spans between two disjoint segments of the boundary of some simply connected region (a more detailed account of this problem will be given later). With this result, the simmering unease that mathematicians felt about these methods came to the surface (see, for example, the comments in [2]). What exactly are these renormalised local operators whose correlation functions the field theorists so happily manipulate, according to rules that sometimes seem to be a matter of cultural convention rather than any rigorous logic? What does conformal symmetry really mean? Exactly which object is conformally invariant? And so on. Aside from these deep concerns, there was perhaps also the territorial feeling that percolation theory, in particular, is a branch of probability theory, and should be understood from that point of view, not merely as a by-product of quantum field theory. Thus, it was that a number of pure mathematicians, versed in the methods of probability theory, stochastic analysis and conformal mapping theory, attacked this problem. Instead of trying make rigorous the notions of field theory about local operators, they focused on the random curves which form the boundaries of clusters on the lattice, and on what should be the properties of the measure on such curves in the continuum limit as the lattice spacing approaches zero. The idea of thinking about lattice models this way was not new: in particular in the 1980s it led to the very successful but non-rigorous Coulomb gas approach [3] to two-dimensional critical behaviour, whose results parallel and complement those of CFT. However, the new approach focused on the properties of a single such curve, conditioned to start at the boundary of the domain, in the background of all the others. This leads to a very specific and physically clear notion of conformal invariance. Moreover, it was shown by Loewner [4] in the 1920s that any such curve in the plane which does not cross itself can be described by a dynamical process called Loewner evolution, in which the curve is imagined to be grown in a continuous fashion. Instead of describing this process directly, Loewner considered the evolution of the analytic function which conformally maps the region outside the curve into a standard domain. This evolution, and therefore the curve itself, turns out to be completely determined by a real continuous function at. For random curves, at itself is random. (The notation at is used rather than a (t) to conform to standard usage in the case when it is a stochastic variable.) Schramm [5] argued that, if the measure on the curve is to be conformally invariant in the precise sense referred to above, the only possibility is that at be one-dimensional Brownian motion, with only a single parameter left undetermined, namely the diffusion constant κ. This leads to stochastic-, or Schramm-, Loewner evolution (SLE). (In the original papers by Schramm et al. the term ‘stochastic' was used. However, in the subsequent literature the ‘S' has often been taken to stand for Schramm in recognition of his contribution.) It should apply to any critical statistical mechanics model in which it is possible to identify these non-crossing paths on the lattice, as long as their continuum limits obey the underlying conformal invariance property. For only a few cases, including percolation, has it been proved that this property holds, but it is believed to be true for suitably defined curves in a whole class of systems known as O (n) models. Special cases, apart from percolation, include the Ising model, Potts models, the XY model, and self-avoiding walks. They each correspond to a particular choice of κ. Starting from the assumption that SLE describes such a single curve in one of these systems, many properties, such as the values of many of the critical exponents, as well as the crossing formula mentioned above, have been rigorously derived in a brilliant series of papers by Lawler, Schramm, and Werner (LSW) [6]. Together with Smirnov's proof [7] of the conformal invariance property for the continuum limit of site percolation on the triangular lattice, they give a rigorous derivation [8] of the values of the critical exponents for two-dimensional percolation. This represents a paradigm shift in rigorous statistical mechanics, in that results are now being derived directly in the continuum for models for which the traditional lattice methods have, so far, failed. However, from the point of view of theoretical physics, these advances are perhaps not so important for being rigorous, as for the new light they throw on the nature of the critical state, and on conformal field theory. In the CFT of the O (n) model, the point where a random curve hits the boundary corresponds to the insertion of a local operator which has a particularly simple property: its correlation functions satisfy linear second-order differential equations [9]. These equations turn out to be directly related to the Fokker–Planck type equations one gets from the Brownian process which drives SLE. Thus, there is a close connection, at least at an operational level, between CFT and SLE. This has been made explicit in a series of papers by Bauer and Bernard [10] (see also [11]). Other fundamental concepts of CFT, such as the central charge c, have their equivalence in SLE. This is a rapidly advancing subject, and some of the more recent directions will be mentioned in the concluding section of this article.