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Traditions and customs

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 434.

Known as “ A miniature vault of heaven above the steppe'', the yurt consists of three main elements: a collapsible latticed base (kerege), dome-shaped poles (yuk), and a round top (shanyrak). The Kazakhs always pay attention to the ornament, as you can see from the decoration inside a yurt: carpets on the walls (tuskiiz), felt mats (tekemet), and embroidered colourful articles decorated with animal and plant motifs.



To go all the way to Kazakhstan and not stop into a Kazakh yurt – a snow-white dome nestling in the greenery of a jailau (summer pasture) – would mean missing an important aspect of Kazakh life. The yurt is one of the most ancient and greatest inventions of the Eurasian nomads. It is a convenient, practical dwelling, ideally suitable to the demands of nature and everyday life, and easy to pack up and take with you by horse or camel.



Dome – êóïîë, ñâîä

Nestle – óþòíî óñàæèâàòüñÿ

Jailau – äæàéëÿó

Dwelling – æèëèùå

Vault – ñâîä

Heaven – íåáåñà

Collapsible – ñêëàäíîé

Latticed – ðåøåò÷àòûé

Pole – æåðäü, øåñò

Embroidered – âûøèòûé

Article – ïðåäìåò

Motif – ëåéòìîòèâ


Ø Answer the questions:

1. What is the yurt?

2. Is it a convenient and practical dwelling?

3. Why is it convenient?

4. What does the yurt consist of?


Ø Complete the following sentences:

1. A Kazakh yurt is a snow-white…

2. The yurt is one of the most…

3. The yurt consists of three main elements:


Traditions and customs play a great role in the life of the Kazakh people. One of the best traditions of the past, which is supported and developed in our modern life, is hospitality. There are many rituals and ceremonies connected with hospitality. For example, the Kazakhs present a boiled sheep head to the most honourable guest. Hospitality is always followed by presents. Honourable guests are presented with a ‘shapan', a national coat, with a cap and a white horse.

Another good tradition is respect to old people. This kind tradition is connected with other wonderful qualities and habits. So, according to this tradition, children are taught to be friendly and reserved, greet elderly people, make ways, and help them.

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