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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 361.


The/bride/when/arrived/would/some/through/ women/shuinshi/.

Be/she/big/a/would/fingers/with wearing/shawl.

Following her wedding the bride needed to dismount from her horse a distance from her groom's house and walk the rest of the way. She would be wearing a big white shawl with fingers, and would be accompanied by many young girls. One of the groom's brothers would hurry to ask shuinshi, telling them the bride was coming. When the bride arrived, some women would throw shuinshi.

Kelin Tusiru

Wealthy people would prepare separate yurts for the young. The bride would be wearing a veil, as she wouldn't be allowed to show her face until the ‘bet ashar' (a ceremony of the bride's face being opened to everyone). Besides, she was not allowed to look straight to anyone. If she sat the wrong way the women would gossip, for she was required to be a bit childish and shy.


Ø Make up sentences from the words given below:

Ø Translate into Kazakh:

1. groom's house

2. a big white shawl

3. to ask shuinshi

4. wealthy people

5. wear a veil


Ø Fill in the prepositions and particles: to, by, for, with.

1. She would be accompanied … many young girls.

2. She would be wearing a big white shawl … fingers.

3. Wealthy people would prepare separate yurts …the young.

4. She was not allowed … show her face until the ‘bet ashar'.


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