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Swing – качаться couple - пара

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 446.

Zhigits would also be well-dressed. Those who were on the Altybakan sang folk and love songs. Here the young people might share their secrets and troubles. Those either swinging on or standing nearby the Altybakan could also sing and talk to each other as they observed the song competition. Altybakan remains a really good place where young people can compete in song improvisation. It is the location of real art for propagandizing our rich national folk songs. That's why the singers from all auls were invited to take part in song and improvising competitions. The host of the Altybakan would slaughter a sheep and did his best to create joyful atmosphere.

This remains one of the most played national games of Kazakhs. They play it in summer and fall when mother nature gives the sign of good weather. The participants are young zhigits and ladies who gather together; teenagers are not allowed to play, but they might watch. Altybakan is set up beforehand. For this, six logs and a thick rope are needed. They would attach a syryk (a bifurcated post used for supporting the yurt in time of bad weather) to six logs; three on either side all attached with a thick rope. A couple might stand on the assembled Altybakan and be swung by those on either side. Ladies would come in their best clothes: flouncy white dresses, red jackets and owl-feathered headdresses.


Sometimes boys or girls from a wealthy home might organize such an event at their parent's expense. They would invite relatives, kinsmen, jiens and all friends in advance. Then they would prepare everything to organize Altybakan at an impressive level, decorating the scene with ribbons. Kazakhs might then say "Dastarkhan (table cloth) is inseparable share" which meant everybody was welcome to the dastarkhan or feast. Meanwhile, a simpler Altybakan would only last till morning and would sometimes be called "Kyz oinak" (or a place where youngsters meet and play).

Today, Altybakan remains a living game, nowadays to be found at a herdsman's toi or in jubilees where young people compete, although sometimes they do not follow the traditional rules completely or wear national dresses and costumes. Also, in earlier times Kazakhs did not drink hard liquor and never quarreled with each other. At Altybakan, now you can unfortunately see drunk people; so we miss the Altybakan of earlier times.


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