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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 454.


500 gram of mutton, 2.5-3 litres of water, half a tablespoon of salt, 4-5 baursaks. Meat is carefully washed in cold water, put in a pan, covered with boiling water and boiled on small fire for about 1-1.5 hours. When the water begins to boil, the scum and the surplus of fat should be removed. At the end of boiling salt is added. Meat's readiness is simple to determine: if the fork easily pierces the meat, it is ready. The broth should be strained and then poured in a soup-plate or kese: meat and baursaks are added.

Ø Read and correct the following sentences:

1. The Kazakh people use only beef for sorpa.

2. Meat must be boiled on strong fire.

3. Meat boiled for 10-15 minutes.

4. Salt is added at the beginning of boiling.

5. The sorpa should be poured in a glass.

6. You must eat this dish with bread and butter.


800 g of mutton (or beef, horse-flesh, camel's flesh, saiga's flesh, wild goat's flesh), 3 onions, 150 g of fat for frying, 250 g of broth, greens, salt, spices and sour cream to taste.

For garnish: 2 kg of potatoes, 150 g of green peas, 250 g of tomatoes, 250 g of carrots.

For marinade: a piala of 3% vinegar, 50 g of oil.

Meat is cut in pieces 30-40 g each and fried in hot fat with onion and pepper, salted to taste then laurel leaf and broth are added and the meat is stewed to readiness.

If kuyrdak is made of saiga's or wild goat's flesh the meat must be beforehand soaked in 3% vinegar with addition of a small quality of oil for 4-6 hours. As garnishes to kuyrdak has been boiled, fried or stewed with the meat, potatoes, boiled carrots, green peas and tomatoes can be served. The dish is strewed with greens to taste.


Ø Answer the questions:

1. Meat has been the most popular foodstuff in the Kazakh national cuisine, hasn't it?

2. What is the sign of the festive table's richness and diversity?

3. What sorts of meat is kuyrdak made of?


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