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The Flock of GeryonDate: 2015-10-07; view: 436. A. Christie
"I really apologize for bothering you, M. Poirot." Miss Carnaby leaned forward, looking anxiously into Poirot's face. She said: "You do remember me, don't you?" Hercule Poirot smiled. He said: "I remember you as one of the most successful criminals that I have ever met." "Oh dear me, M. Poirot, must you really say such things? You were so kind to me. Emily and I often talk about you, and if we see anything about you in the paper we cut it out at once. As for Augustus, we have taught him a new trick. We say, “Die for M. Hercule Poirot”, and he goes down and lies like a log." "I'm gratified," said Poirot. "He is so clever. But what has brought you here, Miss Carnaby?" Miss Carnaby's nice round face grew worried and sad. She said: "Oh M. Poirot, I was going to consult you. I have been anxious lately about a friend of mine. Of course, you may say it is all an old maid's fancy – just imagination." "I do not think you would imagine things, Miss Carnaby. Tell me what worries you." "Well, I have a friend, a very dear friend, though I have not seen very much of her lately. Her name is Emmeline Clegg. She married a man and he died a few years ago leaving her a big sum of money. She was unhappy and lonely after his death and I am afraid she is in some ways a rather foolish woman. Religion, M. Poirot, can be a great help and consolation – but not these odd sects there are so many around. They have a kind of emotional appeal but sometimes I have very grave doubts as to whether there are any true religious feelings behind them at all." "You think your friend has become a victim of a sect of this kind?" "I do. Oh! I certainly do. The Flock of the Shepherd,' they call themselves. Their headquarters is in Devonshire – a very love}y estate by the sea. The whole sect centres round the head of the movement, the Great Shepherd, he is called. A Dr. Andersen. A very handsome man, I believe." "Which is attractive to the women, yes?" "I am afraid so," Miss Carnaby sighed. "Are the members of the sect mostly women?" "At least three quarters of them, I think. It is upon the women that the success of the movement depends and – and on the funds they supply." "Ah," said Poirot. "Now I see. Frankly, you think the whole thing is a ramp?" "Frankly, M. Poirot, I do. And another thing worries me. I know that my poor friend is so devoted to this reli- gion that she has recently made a will leaving all her property to the movement. What really worries me is." "Yes, go on”. "Several very rich women have been among the devotees. In the last year three of them have died." "Leaving all their money to this sect?" Poirot nodded thoughtfully. Miss Carnaby hurried on: "Of course I've no right to suggest anything at all. From what I have been able to find out, there was nothing wrong about any of these deaths. One, I believe, was pneumonia following influenza and another was attributed to gastric ulcer. There were absolutely no suspicious circumstances and the deaths did not take place in Devonshire, but at their own homes. I've no doubt it is quite all right, but all the same – I – well – I shouldn't like anything to happen to Emmie." Poirot was silent for some minutes. Then he said: "Will you give me, or will you find out for me, the names and addresses of these members of the sect who have recently died?" "Yes indeed, M. Poirot." Poirot said slowly: "Mademoiselle, I think you are a woman of great courage and determination. Will you be able to do a piece of work that may be associated with considerable danger?" "I should like nothing better," said the adventurous Miss Carnaby. Poirot said warningly: "If there is a risk at all, it will be a great one. You understand – either this is all a mare's nest' or it is serious. Miss Carnaby smiled modestly. She murmured: "I think I can manage that all right." "Well, my friend, what have you got for me? Have you learned anything about this Dr. Andersen?" Chief Inspector Japp looked thoughtfully at Poirot. Hesaid:"I've looked up Dr. Andersen's past history. He was a promising chemist but was expelled from some German University. He was always keen on the study of Oriental Myths and Religions and has written various aricles on the subject – some of the articles sound pretty crazy to me." "So it is possible that he is a genuine fanatic?" "It seems quite likely." "What about those names and addresses I gave you?" "Nothing suspicious there. Miss Everitte died of ulcerative colitis. Mrs. Lloyd died of pneumonia. Lady Western died of tuberculosis. Had suffered from it many years ago. Miss Lee died of typhoid somewhere in the north of England. There is nothing to connect these deaths withthe Great Flock or with Andersen's place down in Devonshire. Must be no more than coincidence." Hercule Poirot sighed. He said: "And yet, mon cher, I have a feeling that this Dr. Andersen is the Monster Geryon whom it is my mission to destroy." Hercule Poirot said: "You must obey my instructions very carefully, Miss Carnaby. You understand?" "Oh yes, Mr. Poirot. You may rely on me. "You have spoken of your intention to benefit the sect?" "Yes, Mr. Poirot, I spoke to the Master – excuse me, to Dr. Andersen, myself. I told him very emotionally how I had come to Flock and remained to believe. Really it seemed quite natural to say all these things. Dr. Andersen, you know, has a lot of magnetic charm." "So I think," said Hercule Poirot dryly. "His manner was most convincing. One really feels he doesn't care about money at all. "Give what you can," he said smiling. "It does not matter. You are one of the Flock just the same." "Oh, Dr. Andersen," I said, "I am not poor at all." And then I explained that I had inherited a considerable amount of money from a distant relative and that I wanted to leave in my will all I had to the Brotherhood. I explained that I had no near relatives." "And he accepted the gift?" "He was very indifferent about it. Said it would be many long years before I died, that he could tell I had a long life of joy in front of me. He really speaks most movingly." "So it seems." Poirot's tone was dry. He went on: "You mentioned your health?" "Yes, Mr. Poirot, I told him I had lung trouble, though why it is necessary for me to say that I am ill when my lungs are as sound as a bell I really cannot see." "Be sure it is necessary. You mentioned your friend?" "Yes. I told him strictly confidentially that dear Emmeline, besides the fortune she had inherited from her husband, would inherit an even larger sum shortly from an aunt who was deeply attached to her." "Good. That must keep Mrs. Clegg safe for some time." "Oh, Mr. Poirot, do you really think there is anything wrong?" "That is what I am going to find out. Have you met a Mr. Cole at the Sanctuary?" "There was a Mr. Cole there last time I went down to Devonshire. A most extraordinary man. He wears grass-green shorts and eats nothing but cabbage. He is a very ardent believer." "All progresses well – I make you my compliments on the work you have done – all is now set for the Autumn Festival." On the afternoon preceding the Festival Miss Carnaby met Hercule Poirot in a small restaurant. Miss Carnaby was flushed and even more breathless than usual. Poirot asked several questions to which she replied only "yes" or "no". Then he said: "Good. You know what you have to do?" There was a moment's pause before Miss Carnaby said in a rather odd voice: "I know what you told me, Mr. Poirot." "Very good." Then Amy Carnaby said clearly and distinctly: "But I am not going to do it." Hercule Poirot stared at her. Miss Carnaby rose to her feet. Her voice was fast and hysterical. "You sent me here to spy on Dr. Andersen. You suspected him of all sorts of things. But he is a wonderful man – a great Teacher. I believe in him heart and soul. And I am not going to do your spying work any more, M. Poirot. I am one of the Sheep of the Shepherd. And I'll pay for my tea myself." With these words Miss Carnaby threw down one shilling and rushed out of the restaurant. The waitress had to ask him twice before Poirot realised that she was giving him the bill. He met the curious stare of an unfriendly looking man at the next table, flushed, paid the bill and went out. The Sheep were assembled for the traditional festival. The Festival took place in the white concrete building called by the Sheep the Sacred Fold. Here the devotees assembled just before the setting of the sun. They wore sheep-skin cloaks and had sandals on their feet. Their arms were bare. In the centre of the Fold on a raised platform stood Dr. Andersen. The big man, golden-haired and blue-eyed, with his fair beard and handsome profile had never seemed more magnificent. He was dressed in a green robe and carried a shepherd's crook of gold. The ritual questions and answers had been chanted. Then the Great Shepherd said: "Are you prepared for the Sacrament?" “We are”. “Shut your eyes and hold out your right arm”. The crowd obediently shut their eyes. Miss Carnaby like the rest held her arm out in front of her. The Great Shepherd, magnificent in his green robe, moved along the waiting lines... He stood by Miss Carnaby. His hands touched her arm… "No, you won't do it!" Mr. Cole aided by another devotee grasped the hand of the Great Shepherd who was struggling to get himself free. In rapid professional tones, the former Mr. Cole was saying: "Dr. Andersen, I have here a warrant for your arrest." There were other figures now at the door of the Sheep Fold – blue uniformed figures. Someone cried, "It's the police. They're taking the Master away. They're taking the Master..." Everyone was shocked – horrified... To them the Great Shepherd was a martyr, suffering, as all great teachers, from the ignorance and persecution of the outside world. Meanwhile Detective Inspector Cole was carefully packing up the syringe that had fallen from the Great Shepherd's hand. "My brave colleague!" Poirot shook Miss Carnaby warmly by the hand and introduced her to Chief Inspector Japp. "First class work, Miss Carnaby," said Chief Inspector Japp. "We couldn't have done it without you." "Oh dear!" Miss Carnaby was flattered. "It's so kind of you to say so. And I'm afraid, that I've really enjoyed it all. The excitement, you knovr, and playing my part. I really felt I was one of those foolish women." "That's where your success lay," said Japp. "You were very genuine. Otherwise you wouldn't have been hypnotised by that gentleman. He's a pretty smart scoundrel." Miss Carnaby turned to Poirot. "That was a terrible moment in the restaurant. I didn't know what to do. It was such a shock. Just when we had been talking confidentially I saw in the glass that Lipscomb, who keeps the Lodge of the Sanctuary, was sitting at the table behind me. I don't know now if it was an accident or if he had actually followed me. I had to do the best I could in this situation and hope that you would understand." Poirot smiled. "I did understand. There was only one person sitting near enough to overhear anything we said and as soon as I left the restaurantI followed him. He went straight back to the Sanctuary. So I understood that I could rely on you and that you would not let me down – but I was afraid because it increased the danger for you." "Was – was there really danger? What was there in the syringe?" Japp said: "Will you explain or shall I?" Poirot said gravely: "Mademoiselle, this Dr. Andersen devised a scheme of exploitation and murder – scientific murder. Most of his life has been spent in bacteriological research. Under a dif ferent name he has a chemical laboratory in Shef field. There he makes cultures of various bacilli. It was his practice at the Festivals to inject into his followers a small but sufficient dose of Cannabis Indica – which is also known by the name of Hashish. It gives the sensation of great and pleasurable enjoyment. It bound his devotees to him. These were the Spiritual Joys that he promised them." "Most remarkable," said Miss Carnaby. "Really a most remarkable sensation." Hercule Poirot nodded. "That was the secret of his popularity – a dominating personality, the power of creating mass hysteria and the reactions produced by this drug. But he had a second aim in view." "Lonely women made wills leaving their money to the Cult. One by one, these women died. Without being too technical I will try to explain. It is possible to make intensified cultures of certain bacteria. The bacillus coli communis, for instance, is the cause of ulcerative colitis. Typhoid bacilli can be introduced into the system. So can the Pneumococcus. You realize the cleverness of the man? These deaths would occur in different parts of the country, with different doctors attending them and without any risk of arousing suspicion. "He's a devil, if there ever was one," said Chief Inspector Japp. Poirot went on. "By my orders, you told him that you suffered from tuberculosis. There was a tuberculin in the syringe when Cole arrested him. It is harmless to a healthy person but stimulates any old tubercular lesion into activity. Since you were a healthy person it would not have harmed you, that is why I asked you to tell him you had suffered from a tubercular trouble. I was afraid that even now he might choose some other germ, but I respected your courage and I had to let you take the risk." "Oh, that's all right," said Miss Carnaby brightly. "I don't mind taking risks. I'm only frightened of bulls in fields and things like that. But have you enough evidence to convict this dreadful person?" Japp grinned. "Plenty of evidence," he said. "We've got his laboratory and his cultures and the whole equipment." Poirot said: "It is possible, I think, that he has committed a long line of murders." Miss Carnaby sighed. "I was thinking," she said, "of a marvellous dream I had. I arranged the whole world so beautifully! No wars, no poverty, no diseases, no cruelty…" "It must have been a fine dream," said Japp enviously. Miss Carnaby jumped up. She said: "I must get home. Emily has been so anxious. And dear Augustus has been missing me terribly, I hear." Hercule Poirot said with a smile: "He was afraid, perhaps, that like him, you were going to 'die for Hercule Poirot'!"