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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 467.



Feel well - адчуваць сябе добра

Feel unwell - адчуваць сябе кепска

Painful - балючы

Unhealthy - нездаровы

Healthy - здаровы

Vomit - ванітаваць

Feel sick - хіліць на ваніты


A: Could you fill this prescription?

B: Just a minute. I've to check if we have this in stock. Sorry. Today you can get only 37 capsules. Is that okay with you?

A: All right. When will you have the rest?

B: We owe you 23 capsules. Can you drop in the day after tomorrow?

A: Of course. I'll come the day after tomorrow if I can get the other capsules.

B: That's for sure.

A: Should I pay now or later?

B: Now will be fine. Have a seat, please. Your medication will be ready in five minutes. I'll give you a receipt. I'll indicate there that we owe you 23 capsules.



Secretary: Good morning, can I help you?

Patient: Yes, my name is Anne Pearl. I have an appointment for ten o'clock.

S: Have a seat, please. The doctor will see you soon.

P: Thank you.

S: Dr.Smith, this is Ms.Pearl.

Dentist: Hello, Ms.Pearl. Please come with me. Sit down.

(Ms.Pearl sitting down in the dentist's chair) What's the problem?

P: I have a toothache on the left upper side.

D: How long have you had it?

P: For about three days. I have a feeling that it is loose. I'm afraid it is about to drop out.

D: Let me take a look at it. Open your mouth wide, please. I'll take an X-ray.

P: Good.

D: There's a rather deep cavity on the right side of the tooth.

P: Will you have to pull the tooth?

D: No. I hope to save your tooth. I'll give you an injection of Novocaine.


P: Okay.

D: Now I can drill the tooth. You don't feel any pain, do you?

P: No, I don't.

D: I'd suggest that besides the usual filling we put a crown on your tooth. That can save it. I'll put a temporary crown there today. The permanent crown will be ready in about 10 days. Then you'll come back. Is it all right with you?

P: If you think it's the only way to save the tooth, then go ahead. I realize a crown is rather expensive. But what's to be done?

D: Okay. You can eat in two hours. Call my secretary for an appointment next week.

P: Thank you, doctor.



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Sick - млосны (Br. English), хворы (Am. English) | DISCUSSING NUTRITION PROBLEMS
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