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A) Phenotypic

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 430.



1. What does define the boundary of modificative variation?

a) Influence of genotype.

b) Influence of genotype and environment

c) Influence of histological development of species.


2. What variation is not inheritable?

b) Combinative

c) Mutative


3. What does it means the term “norm of reaction”?

a) Boundary of modificative variation of sign, which learn at this individuum.

b) Вариабельность of signs.

c) Stage of expression of the gene.


4. What meaning have modificative variation for the process of evolution?

a) Provide the adaptation of organism.

b) Provide the change of forms

c) Increase the variety of the living forms.


5. What is вариационный ряд?

a) Совокупность of value, which place in order of increase.

b) Совокупность of value, which place in order of decrease.

c) Совокупность of value, which place бессистемно.


6. The inhabitants of mountains have the increasing of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood. What kind of variation (variability) is there?

a) Mutation.

b) Modification.

c) Combination.


5. Summarizing of the STUDY by the teacher and validation of performance of work by everyone student.

6. Place and time of STUDY: an educational room, 2 academic hours.

7. Equipment of STUDY: tables, schemes.

8. Literary Sources:

1. Medical Biology: Textbook. - Simferopol: IAD CSMU, 2002. – P. 178 – 192.




Theme:Methods of genetics of the human being. Prenatal and postnatal methods of diagnostic. karyotypic analysis, analysis of human chromosome, analysis of the dermatoglyphic maps, and twins method.


1. The MEANING of the THEME. The study of methods of genetics of the human being allows more deeply to understand the laws of originating of normal living process of cell and organisms, promotes introduction in practice of new methods of prophylactic, diagnostics and treatment of hereditary diseases of the human being.

2. PURPOSE of STUDY. General: To receive representation about the methods of genetics of the human being.


3.1. To be able to describe the prenatal and postnatal methods of diagnostic.

3.2. To be able to describe the karyotypic analysis.

3.3. To be able to describe the analysis of the dermatoglyphic maps.

3.4. To be able to describe the twins method.


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INDEPENDENT WORK of the STUDENTS | General representations about the methods of examination in the medical genetics.
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