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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 503.


Types of Questions

Ex. 8. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

Facts to be remembered


1. We use shall I … ? / shall we … ? to ask somebody's opinion (especially in offers or suggestions) Shall I open the window? I've got no money. What shall I do? Where shall we go this evening?
2. You can use won't to say that somebody / something refuses to do something The car won't start. I wonder what's wrong with it.


1. They will know the results in a week. 2. Clothes will be different in many years. 3. Sally will phone you when she gets home from work. 4. The weather will be much warmer tomorrow. 5. Everybody will have a computer in the year 2100. 6. I will remember this day all my life. 7. You will become a well-qualified specialist in 5 years. 8. Jack will be back in a minute. 9. He will like our new house when he sees it. 10. I will pay him a lot if he works well. 11. Helen will stay in bed till the clock strikes seven.

Auxiliary verb Subject Predicate or part of it Object Adverbial modifier
Do you watch TV in the evening?
Have they got free time in summer?
Does she wash her hair in the morning?
Interrogative Pronoun Auxiliary Verb Subject Predicate Part of Predicate Object Adverbial Modifier
Why does she come to school so early?
Who did you borrow the money from?
Where shall we go   now?


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