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Chapter 9

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 430.

Andi was vaguely aware of swimming up through the layers of consciousness once again. She had already made this attempt earlier, only to find her head pounding; her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton wool and the sunlight, streaming through the side of the bedroom blind, burning her eyes like a laser beam. This time she was better prepared. The knowledge that she had a hangover and wasn't in her own bed had percolated down into her brain, so she was easing herself gently into the waking up process.

“Ouch, Andi girl, you gotta keep tabs on those beers next time.” she muttered quietly to herself, groaning as she slid out from under the sheet and looked groggily around the room for something to wear. As bad as she felt, she couldn't help smiling at the assortment of clothing items tossed to every corner of the bedroom as she crept around quietly retrieving everything but her bra. A vague memory told her it might be somewhere in the bed itself and she didn't want to take the chance of waking up Gill by looking for it. That lady was curled on her side, looking so young and innocent that for a moment Andi felt almost guilty about taking advantage of her last night. Then again, she grinned wickedly, Gill hadn't exactly needed any coercing in that department. No, she'd let her sleep. It was only seven am and Andi needed to slip back to her own unit to shower and dress for work as she had several early appointments. In the living area she found a pen and wrote a short note, which she anchored beneath one of the empty beer bottles, the number of which, she reflected wryly, accounted for the demons beating tom toms inside her skull. Still the memory of the pleasure she and Gill had found together was making her smile despite her condition. It was early days she knew, but Andi just couldn't help believing that this was so much more than a one night stand. Fighting off an insane urge to whistle, she quietly closed the front door and went home to get ready for what was suddenly looking like first day of the rest of her life

Next door Gill slept on, through the sound of Andi‘s truck departing and the persistent beeping of text messages on her cell phone. The sleeplessness of the past week, too many Buds and the blissful after-effects of the lovemaking was a powerful combination and it was almost midday before she finally rolled onto her back and stretched blissfully. Blessed with a metabolism that could handle just about anything she rarely suffered from hangovers or stomach upsets so, after a quick trip to the bathroom, her next foray was into the kitchen. Fortified by a bowl of Cheerios, Gill settled down on the couch to read Andi's note.

Good morning Sunshine! Hope you had a great sleep. I've got clients all day and won't get finished up at the Laundromat until around 5pm. Maybe you would like to see a movie?? See ya later, Love Andi XXX

Gill grinned to herself, was this a great Saturday or what? A little bit more work and then her assignment was out of the way, plenty of time to potter round and tidy up the unit and she had a date for the movies tonight. It just couldn't get any better than that. And after the movies? Oh Lord, she groaned feeling the heat rush through her just at the thought of what she and Andi might do later that night. Perhaps it was time to drag her mind out of the gutter and get dressed. The beeping of her cell phone interrupted her lustful reverie and she grabbed it off the coffee table, wondering if that sexy woman from last night was texting her, also unable to concentrate. Her eyes widened in surprise as she read the message.

Hi, B there by 5. Can't w8 2 C U Luv Jason

Holy shit, but he was supposed to be in L.A.? Just then Gill noticed the earlier messages that had arrived whilst she slept. The first read:

Surprise! Got lift with buddy, arr. 5, stay over OK? Keep hugs warm, luv Jason

And the second:

On road making good time, C U soon, Luv Jason

Oh wow, Gill thought, I knew I should have come clean last night, this was going to be interesting. A little of her earlier enthusiasm for the day was tempered by anxiety at whether this would change things in Andi's eyes. But surely not? It would just have to be alright; after all she had no intention of pretending Jason didn't exist. Andi would just have to learn to deal with it. And she got to see the person she loved most in this world totally unexpectedly. Gill's good humor returned and she threw herself into cleaning up, whilst mentally running through a dinner menu for three. Andi was broadminded, she was reasonable, she'd handle this okay.


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