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Read and learn the basic vocabulary terms.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 369. Guess the meaning of the following words. Pre-Reading Activity Ex. 7. Analyze the following sentences and translate them into Russian. SHOULD, OUGHT TO
1. You shouldn't miss lectures and seminars if you want to pass the exams. 2. If you want to know mathematics you should work hard at it. 3. Doctor, what should I do? 4. You ought to go further with this investigation. 5. Ought you to tell everybody what has happened? 6. You ought not to participate in their useless argument. 7. You should switch off your mobile in class. 8. They ought to ban smoking in public places.
Decimal [`desIm(q)l] adj, combination [,kOmbI`neISqn] n, positive [`pozItIv] adj, negative [`negqtIv] adj, symbol [`sImbql] n, plus [plAs] n, minus [`maInqs] n, indicate [`IndIkeIt] v, sum [sAm] n, product [`prodqct] n, numeration [,nju:mq`reISqn] n, base [beIs] n, arithmetic [q`rITmqtIk] n, system [`sIstIm] n, represent [,reprI`zent] v number (n) [`nAmbq] число, количество; v перечислять numeral (n) [`nju:mqrql] цифра, символ, число digit (n) [`dIGIt] цифра value (n) [`vxlju:] величина, значение; (v) ценить derive (v) [dI`raIv] происходить, получать introduce (v) [,Intrq`djHs] вводить, представлять, знакомить denote (v) [dI`nqut] обозначать, отмечать, означать determine (v) [dI`tE:mIn] определять, устанавливать invent (v) [In`vent] изобретать, создавать, придумывать, открыть enable (v) [I`neIb(q)l] давать возможность, делать возможным appear (v) [q`pIq] появляться sign (n) [saIn] n знак, v подписывать addition (n) [q`dIS(q)n] сложение add (v) [xd] складывать addend (n) [x`dend] слагаемое subtraction (n) [sqb`trxkS(q)n] вычитание subtract (v) [sqb`trxkt] вычитать minuend (n) [`mInjuqnd] уменьшаемое subtrahend (n) [`sAbtrqhend]вычитаемое difference (n) [`dIfqrqns] разность inverse (adj) [In`vE:s] обратный, противоположный multiplication (n) [,mAltIplI`keIS(q)n] умножение multiply (v) [`maltIplaI] умножать multiplicand (n) [,mAltIplI`kxnd] множимое multiplier (n) [`mAltIplaIq] множитель factor (n) [`fxktq] сомножитель; v разложить на множители division (n) [dI`vIZqn]деление divide (v) [dI`vaId] делить dividend (n) [`dIvIdent] делимое divisor (n) [dI`vaIzq] делитель quotient (n) [`kwquSqnt] частное meaningless (adj) [`mJnINlIs] бессмысленный