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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 462.

Give your own examples.

Match the phonetic phenomena with the examples. Practice good reading.

Accents of English outside the UK and the USA.

General American as the American English pronunciation standard.

General American also known as Standard American English is a major accent of American English. The accent is not restricted to the US within American English General American and accents approximating it is contrasted with southern American English.

General American has been never the accent of the entire nations. It has become widely spoken in many American films, TV series, news.


The greatest variation in Australian accent is along educational and accusation lines, expressed as three class-based accents:

Broad Australian

General Australian

Cultivated Australian


The New Zeeland accent is distinguished from the Australia one by the presence of ”clipped” vowels.

South Africa has 11 official languages one of which is English accent very significantly between ethnic and language groups.

Native English Speakers have an accent that generally resembles British Received pronunciation.


Palatalization - pronouncing a sound nearer to the hard palate.

When I am ten

I'll get a pen

Then I shall write

Like brother Ben.


strong (long vowels, diphthongs) weak (short vowels, unstressed vowels) absence of aspiration
Peter /pi:tǝ/ carpet /ka:pIt/ S /p/ S /t/ /k/ stop


/tn/ - /dn/ -Nasal plosion.

/'kitn/ - kitten

/'mitn/ - mitten

/'bi:tn/ - beaten


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RP/BBC English as the British National Standard of pronunciation. Major accents in UK. | Aspiration
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