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The theoretical and practical aspects of Phonetics.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 587.


Neither linguistic theory nor linguistic practice can do without Phonetics. Theoretical significanceof phonetics is connected with the further development of the problems of the synchronic study and description of the phonetic system of a national language, the comparative analysis and description of different languages and the study of the correspondences between them, the diachronic description of successive changes in the phonetic system of a language or different languages.

The practical aspects of phonetics are no less important. Phonetics is considered the basis of methods of teaching to read and write. Teaching of reading and writing is possible only when one clearly understands the difference between the sound and written forms of the language and the connections between them. Phonetics has a great practical importance in the process of teaching a foreign language. In our native school a phonetic method of teaching is being applied. Ukrainian methodology of foreign language teaching is based on the principle of conscious teaching. It means, that in the process of instruction it is necessary to compare the phonetical structures of the mother tongue with that of the target tongue. Another principle applied is imitation. Phonetics is also widely used in teaching correct pronunciation of actors, singers, announcers and other public figures on the basis of established orphoepical norms, in eliminating dialectical features from the pronunciation of dialectical speakers, in curing various speech defects in surdopedaqgogics, in teaching normal oral speech to deaf/dumb people.

Acoustic phonetics and phonology are of great use and importance to sound technology. The branch of science and technology is concerned with the study and design of techniques for the recording, transmission, reproduction analysis and synthesis gramophones, cassettes, tape and cassette recorders, loud speakers, etc.


Questions for self-control;

1. What is the subject of Phonetics and its place in Linguistics?

2. What is the difference between Phonetics and Phonology?

3. When did Phonetics begin to be developed seriously and what factors stimulated its development?

4. What are the branches of Phonetics and what they study?

5 What is the difference of language from speech?

6. What is the significance of theoretical and practical aspects of Phonetics?



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Language and speech. | The notion of the phoneme. The phoneme and its allophones.
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