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Russian consonants and their peculiarities.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 358. OF THE PHONOLOGICAL SYSTEM. ENGLISH CONSONANTS AS THE UNITS Lecture 5.
There are various systems of classification of consonants introduced by different phoneticians. One of the most detailed classifications of consonants was introduced by H. Sweet. According to H. Sweet consonants admit of a twofold division: 1) according to form; 2) according to place.By “form” H. Sweet means the manner of the production of noise, by “place” – the active organ of speech and the place of obstruction. In his “Sounds of English” – a detailed and distinct description of different possible groups of consonants is given. But the division of sounds into the groups according to all those minute characteristics of the sounds makes the system rather complicated. D. Jonesdivides consonants according to the place of articulationinto bilabial, labio-dental, dental, alveolar, post-alveolar, palato-alveolar, palatal, velar and glottal consonants.The role of the active organs of speech is underestimated. According to the manner of the production of noise(according to “the state of the air-passage at the place of articulation”, as D. Jones defines it) consonants are divided by him into ten separate classes – plosive, affricates, nasal, lateral, rolled, flapped, fricative, frictionless, continuant consonants and semi-vowels. According to V.A.Vassilyev primary importance should be given to the type of obstruction and the manner of production of noise. On this ground he distinguishes two large classes of consonants: a) occlusive,in the production of which a complete obstruction is formed; b) constrictive, in the production of which an incomplete obstruction is formed. According to T. Brovchenkothe quality of consonants is determined by the following four conditions: