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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 413.

Passive Voice


to be + Participle II
Indefinite Continuous Perfect
to be asked to be being asked to have been asked
Present Past Future Present Past Future Present Past Future
I am He Sh is It   asked written You W are They I He She was It   asked written You We were They I We shall be asked be written He She I will You They I am He She is It Being Asked Being Written You We are They   I He She was It being asked being written We You were They   I You We have They been asked been written He She has It had been asked     had been written   I We shall have been asked have been written He She It will You They
Активний стан Пасивний стан
  I read the book. Прямий додаток   The book is read (by me).
  He gave me a book. Непрямий додаток I was given a book. Мені дали книгу.
  We speak much about it. Прийменниковий додаток It is much spoken about. Про це багато говорять.

Ex. 1. Supply the required passive forms of the Verbs in brackets:

1. The question (to put) to me but I did not answer it, as I was not interested in the history of the English language.

2. The works written by Lermontov (to discuss) for two hours when we came.

3. She (to offer) a scholarship before she went to Cambridge.

4. When I came into the classroom, my friend (to wait) for. Nobody knew where he was.

5. Three foreign languages (to teach) at our school now.

6. The magazines and journals (to send) off by the editor by Friday.

7. It (to decide) that we would take our exam in Lexicology on the 11th of January.

8. She always (to look) for at school, when she is at home.

9. The article dealing with the genres (to translate) from 5 to 6 tomorrow.

10. Ann's collection of books always (to admire) by her friends and teachers.

11. The students ought to deal with the problem before it (to speak) about.

12. By the time I ring her up the film (to watch) for 45 minutes.

13. Our ability to use English subtly or precisely continually (to interfere) with by our need to use language simply and imprecisely for everyday purposes.

14. A new grammar rule (to explain) by the teacher of German next week.

15. He (to see) entering the school building just when the first student (to call) upon to read aloud from Beowulf.

16. These dictionaries often (to use) when we have English dictations.

17. He can (to send) for to-night, if we want to prepare for exams together.

18. The poems by Pushkin already (to translate) into many languages of the world.

19. This book (to refer) to next month if we have to make a report.

20. Two foreign languages (to study) by the students of the philological department since September.

Ex. 2. Turn the following active constructions into passive:

1. Nobody of the second-year students made mistakes in the test last week.

2. They have been writing a letter to their foreign friends since the very morning.

3. People have made great progress in Linguistics.

4. He explained almost everything to me.

5. I knew that they had told him of the meeting at our faculty at once.

6. The dean asked us to stay a little longer.

7. They will be learning an English poem at 5 tomorrow.

8. What books are people reading this year?

9. When we came into the classroom the teacher was making up dialogues for us.

10. They are discussing the possibility of new negotiation.

11. Who are they waiting for? They are waiting for their teacher.

12. They have not done translation yet.

13. They decided that I would go to Oxford.

14. They will show the visitors all the new pictures.

15. They had published a novel before they translated it from French.

16. They are rehearsing a new play at the National Theatre.

17. They always ask for books to read and discuss.

18. The teacher explains the meaning of new words every day.

19. They never took any major decision without his knowledge or advice.

20. They will have make a report about the life and literary work of Russian and Ukrainian writers by the end of April.

Ex. 3. Translate into English paying attention to Passive Voice:

1. Його ще ніколи не приймали за англійця.

2. Я не люблю, коли мені ставлять багато запитань.

3. На цю енциклопедію завжди посилаються, коли готують доповіді з німецької філології.

4. На кого чекають? — Чекають на викладача діалектології нашого факультету.

5. Коли ми прийшли, газети і журнали переглядали вже цілу годину.

6. У картинній галереї завжди довго розглядають картини Рєпіна.

7. Коли її екзаменують, вона завжди хвилюється.

8. Працями цього письменника-початківця будуть захоплюватися. Я в цьому впевнений.

9. Зараз на філологічних факультетах вивчається друга іноземна мова.

10. Листи вже переклали українською мовою.

11. Йому вкажуть на помилки з граматики на наступному уроці.

12. Мені запропонували читати лекції з теоретичної граматики.

13. Т. Г. Шевченка високо оцінили як поета, письменника та художника.

14. Над цією книгою вже працюють протягом 2 років.

15. У цей час увага зосереджується на розвитку навичок усного мовлення.

16. Я відчув, що студентові вже ставили це питання раніше.

17. Їй дадуть багато документальних робіт і мемуарів, бо вона захоплюється історією.

18. Я думаю, його умовлять скласти екзамен із польської мови до кінця тижня.

19. Кого проситимуть перевірити твори студентів відділення класичної філології?

20. Я сумніваюся, що це фонетичне явище можна пояснити.

21. Мені допомогли зробити всі вправи з підручника з англійської мови для студентів 3-го курсу.

22. На той час, як ти повернешся, диктант будуть писати вже протягом п'яти хвилин.

23. Чи цікавою для тебе є курсова робота зі стилістики, яку тобі запропонували?

24. Студентів будуть тестувати завтра з 3-ї до 5-ї вечора.

25. Коли я увійшов до аудиторії, йому пояснювали вживання видо-часових форм дієслова в англійській мові.



Passive voice

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Active voice | Ex. 1. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
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