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A Final Critique

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 952.

Most people of Asian descent may not be strict adherents to Confucianism, but they are all influenced by his philosophy. Anyone seeking to serve in Asian cultures would find it worthwhile to read his works. Confucianism preaches many good principles of ethics. It is very adaptable and fluid in its structure. That has been a weakness but also a strength of the system, since it allows itself to join other inclusive religious systems. However, there are some deficiencies in the system.

Confucius taught a very pragmatic and utilitarian system. However, people are not able to survive for an extended period in this kind of system. Soon they will need a metaphysics that supports the ethical system, that gives them ultimate meaning for their existence, and offers them hope when facing unjust suffering and evil. Confucianism falls short as a comprehensive life view, because it fails to address several key issues. First, the Confucian system leaves one spiritually void, because it does not answer the question of what is the nature of the religious ultimate? Man is a spiritual being. Augustine said that within every man there is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill. The longing for spiritual answers is not a western issue, but is essential to all men. Chinese culture has always shown a desire to fill this spiritual void. Chinese animism and ancestor worship has never been erased. Confucian thought eventually combined with Chinese animism. When Buddhism introduced the cosmology of reincarnation, it was eagerly adopted into the Confucian system.

Second, the Confucian system does not answer the key question of "Why does the universe exist, and what explains its origin?" A related question is, "Where did I come from?" This leads to the following questions, "What is the meaning of mankind's existence in the universe?" and "What is the ultimate meaning of my existence?"

Third, the Confucian system does not answer the question "What happens after death?" Death is a universal dilemma for all mankind, and this question must be answered. What happens after death has tremendous ramifications as to how we will live here on earth. Is there a reward or punishment after life on earth? What determines the state of a person after death? Without any explanations on this, Confucianism cannot offer any real hope to those who have experienced evil or unjust suffering.

Finally, Confucianism is built on a faulty foundation that man is innately good. Experience, history, and the Bible make it clear: man by nature is sinful and naturally seeks to please himself.

Christianity offers a comprehensive life view, for it explains the nature of God, our relationship to Him, the origin of creation, and what happens after death. Jesus offers us meaning in life and an eternal hope that death cannot overcome.

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