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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 389.

Major Religions

Although there are literally thousands of religions, they can be set into a few major categories, each of which has a view of God, a founder, sacred writings, holy places, holy days, sacred symbols, and the like.

If we divide the world's population proportionally into these various categories of religion, we find that about 33 percent of the world's population is Christian.

The second largest religion and the newest is Islam, with approximately 21 percent.

Hinduism is next, with about 15 percent, followed by Buddhism and other Eastern religions with 9 percent. Judaism comprises less than 1 percent, tribal and shamanist traditions 2.5 percent.

Nonreligious or atheist views account for approximately 19 percent.


Judaism is the oldest of the religions in practice today. Jews believe in one God, and they reject the Trinity of Christian belief. The founding of Judaism is attributed to Abraham in approximately 1,300 B.C.; since then, Judaism has spread throughout Israel, Europe, and the Western Hemisphere. The Jewish world vies is the basis of its culture. This is expressed in four concepts basic to the Jewish faith:

1. God is one.

2. Human beings are free.

3. The individual's highest aspiration is to serve God.

4. Jews belong to a group, to a nation, whose mission is to serve God.

Judaism penetrates every area of human existence. It is not simply a religion to serve spiritual needs but a guide in the conduct of worship, ceremonies, and justice between persons, in addition to friendship, kindness, intellectual pursuits, courtesy, and diet.

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