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Religion in the U.S. A

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 495.


Circle the letter of the choice that best completes each sentence.


1. Most people in the United States have ___ backgrounds.

a. Protestant

b. Roman Catholic

c. Jewish

2. The early Americans were ___.

a. Protestant

b. Roman Catholic

c. Jewish

3. Many Jewish people came to the United States ___.

a. in the 1600s

b. before 1950

c. in the 1950s

4. According to the author, ___ is more hierarchal than other religions.

a. the Jewish religion

b. Protestantism

c. Roman Catholicism

5. According to the author, in the second half of the twentieth century, traditional religion has ___ power.

a. gained

b. lost

c. no

6. According to the author, there ___ religious discrimination in the United States.

a. is now no

b. has sometimes been

c. never used to be

7. Protestants belong to ___.

a. many different churches

b. the Roman Catholic church

c. similar churches

8. The United States has ___ religion.

a. an official

b. no

c. no official

9. The ___ people came to the United States because of religious freedom.

a. Jewish

b. Irish

c. Buddhist

10. In the Protestant church, there is ___ control on the local level.

a. no

b. a lot of

c. rarely


· Before you read the text study the following vocabulary

denomination зд. вероисповедание
to hinder препятствовать, быть помехой
toleration терпимость
orthodox 1. ортодоксальный; 2. православный
to forbid   запрещать


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