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Churches in Great Britain

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 459.


Outlining. Below is an outline of this chapter. The entries for lines A, B, C, D, and E of part 2 have been left out. Read the outline and go back and find these sections in the chapter. Then look at the list following the outline and decide which entry should be used to fill in each blank.

Introduction: The main branches of the Christian faith in the U.S.


I. Protestantism in America

A. Religious diversity

1. Many denominations

2. Emphasis on the individual, not church, as center of religious life

B. Origin of Protestantism

1. Break with Catholics

2. Differences in beliefs

C. Establishment in U.S.

1. Desire of colonial settlers to escape religious persecution in Europe

2. Colonists mostly Protestant

3. National church forbidden by Constitution


II. The Protestant heritage: self-improvement

A. _________________________________

1. No priest to forgive sins

2. Individuals alone before God

3. Self-help books

B. _________________________________

1. Material possessions a sign of God's blessing

2. Conwell's urging people to get rich

C. _________________________________

1. Work of all men seen as holy

2. Self-discipline seen as willingness to save and invest money

3. The Protestant ethic

D. _________________________________

1. Improving self by helping others.

2. The duty of the rich to help others

E. _________________________________

1. Ultimate form of self-improvement

2. Religious experience completely changing a person's life


III. A national religion

A. Patriotism combined with religion

1. No government-supported national church

2. Main function to provide support for dominant values

3. Songs and ceremonies to proclaim God's blessing on America and its basic values

B. Harmful effects

1. Excessive conformity with prevailing national practices

2. People who disagree called un-American


Conclusion: The role of the national religion

Use the entries below to fill in lines A, B, C, D, and E. the entries are not in the correct order now.

a. Born-again Christians

b. Material success

c. Humanitarianism

d. Need for self-improvement to acceptable to God

e. Hard work and self-discipline



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