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Article 18. Termination of Activities of Religious Organisations

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 551.

Article 17. Refusal of Registration of the Statute of a Religious Organisation

The decision on the refusal of the registration of the statute (regulations) of a religious Organisation shall be sent to the applicants in writing with the indication of the reason of the refusal. It may be appealed against this decision or failure to taking the decision within the term established to the court in the order established for the appellation against the illegal actions of the state and public authorities and officials infringing the rights of the citizens.


The activities of religious organisations may be terminated only in case of their liquidation in accordance with their own decisions. In case of violation of the regulations of the present Law and other laws of the Republic of Belarus, the decision on the termination of their activities shall be taken by the court.

The activity of religious organisations shall be terminated in legal form in the cases of-

1) commitment of the actions prohibited as per Articles 3, 7 and 19 of the present Law by them;

2) connection of their rite or homiletic activities with the encroachment on the life, health, freedom and dignity of a person;

3) systematic violation by the religious organisations of the order of holding of public religious actions (divine services, rites, ceremonies as well as processions);

4) compulsion of citizens to the failure to fulfill their constitution duties or commitment actions accompanying by gross breach of public order or encroachment on the rights and property of state, social action or religious organisations.

The court shall consider the cases of the termination of activities of religious organisations in the order established in the Civil Process Code of the Republic of Belarus according to the application of the body authorised to register their statutes or Procurator.


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Article 16. Registration of Statutes of Religious Organisations | Article 19. Use of the Property Owned by the State, Social Organisations and Citizens
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