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Tour for Roman Catholicism Followers

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 337.

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Arrival in “Minsk-2“ International Airport . Transfer to the hotel with guide assistance. Check-in at the 3-star hotel in the centre of the city. Meeting with representatives of Minsk Diocese. Time at leisure. Dinner


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of Minsk including architectural, historical and cultural monuments of the 17th – 19th cent., historic part of the city – Trinity Suburb and orthodox churches. Visit to the Museum of Old Belarusian Culture , featuring weaving, embroidery, old icons and wood-carving. Visit to the Museum of Country Architecture and Life on the open air in Strochitsy (18 km from Minsk) displaying the original pieces of rural architecture from various regions of Belarus as well as numerous domestic utensils, articles of applied arts and agricultural implements used by the rural population in the past. Visit to one of the orthodox churches. Service. Dinner


Departure for Polotsk (252 km) – the oldest Belarusian city (founded 862) and the centre of old Slavic history and culture. Polotsk is famous for its 11th cent. St. Sophia Cathedral, Convent of St. Ephrosinia of Polotsk (12th cent.) a benefactress and matron Saint of Belarus, Saint-Ephrosinia Church (12th cent.) with beautiful frescoes and where The Cross Of Ephrosinia – the national heritage is kept. Among other objects worth seeing are the Museum of Book-printing – one of the best in Europe . “The Stone of Boris” – the example of old Slavic culture, its weight is 25 tons; organ show in St. Sophia Cathedral. Tour of Polotsk including all above-mentioned objects. Departure for Minsk . Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure for Zhirovitchy (190 km from Minsk ). Zhirovitchy has been known since the 15 th century. Its monastery of that age is famous for its architecture and is today the centre of Orthodox education. Visit to the Monastery: Holy Monastery Assumption (17 cent.), the Convent Of The Nativity of the Virgin, the Theological Seminary. Joint service and meal. Late return to Minsk . Dinner


Breakfast. Transfer to the Airport for your departure flight.




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Minsk – Polotsk – the Monastery of Zhirovitchy – Minsk , 5 days/ 4 nights | Tours for Judaism Catholicism Followers
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