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Tour For Moslem Followers

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 345.

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Arrival in “Minsk-2” International Airport. Transfer to the hotel with guide assistance. Check-in at the 3-star hotel in the center of the city. Time at leisure. Dinner.


Breakfast. Sightseeing Tour of Minsk (founded 1067) including the areas of the former ghetto – one of the largest ones on the territory of the former USSR where the Jewish prisoners not only from Belarus but from western European countries were kept, “Yama” memorial dedicated to the Jews killed during World War II, meeting with Minsk Jewish community, visiting Jewish school and synagogue. Visit to the Museum of the History of World War II with Jewish section. Dinner.


Breakfast. Departure for Polotsk (252 km) – the oldest city in Belarus, founded in 862, a real masterpiece of Old-Slavic culture with genuine examples of architecture of the 11 th – 12 th cent. On the way to Polotsk a short stop at Glubokoe (small town) paying tribute to the Jewish places connected with Jewish community. Departure for Vitebsk (112 km). Arrival in Vitebsk. Check-in at very good 3-star hotel. Dinner.


Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of Vitebsk. The city is known for famous world-over artist Marc Chagall, who was born there in 1887, lived there, worked there, met his love there and died in 1985 in France. The tour includes the art-centre of Marc Chagall where his works are displayed and the House-Museum of Marc Chagall, where Chagall's family used to live, presenting the furniture and atmosphere of the beginning of the 20 th century, meeting with Vitebsk Jewish community. Time permitting, visit to the Estate-Museum of Ilya Ephimovitch Repin, the famous Russian artist, who used to stay there during summer (1892-1901) (16 km). Departure for Minsk (278 km). Arrival in Minsk. Check-in at the hotel Dinner.


Breakfast. Transfer to the Airport for your departure flight.



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Minsk – Polotsk – Vitebsk – Minsk, 5 days/ 4 nights | The Development of the Russian Orthodox Church
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