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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 402.


Criticism of Religion

The criticism of religion includes criticism of the concept of religion itself, criticism of the practice of religion, and criticism of the consequences of religion on humanity as a whole. The singular word religion is used here refering to the concept of religion, rather than a particular religion or any group of religions. It should emphasized that this page does not attempt to criticize any specific religion.

Few religious people embody all the worst excesses of religion.

This article provides knowledge of the current known criticisms of religion. A criticism is a point of view of a critic. General criticism of a subject are the general point of view of the critics of the said subject. Readers are warned not to insinuate that any criticism written below as being correct (or wrong) merely because it has appeared in this article. Readers are reminded that a criticism is still a criticism even if it later turns out to be wrong.

In short, this article only lists the criticisms and their supporting arguements. It should be treated as the general point of view of the critic(s) which may or may not turn out to be correct.

One of the criticism against religion is the proposition that religion is a social construct and thus is just another another human ideology. That is to say the origins of religion lies in human beings and human societies, not in the intervention of some divine being or cosmic truth. Accordingly religions generally include information about their own origins that is not true.

In particular religion is syncretic, and is in denial of its syncretism.

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