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Give definitions for the following .

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 451.

Answer the following questions.

Read the text and entitle its parts. Use the headings from the list below.

1_________________________________ 2________________________________ 3_________________________________ 4__________________________________ 5________________________________ 6_______________________________ 7__________________________________ 8_________________________________   Holy Scriptures and the Gospels The world largest religion The Roman Catholic Church Protestants and the Anglican Church The Eastern Orthodox and Russian Orthodox Churches The foundations of Christian theology Sacraments Christianity and its primary divisions


1) What teaching is Christianity based upon?

2) What are the four major divisions within Christianity?

3) What are the heads of Catholic Church? What doctrine do Catholics maintain? Do they acknowledge any other Christian churches?

4) How big is the Russian Orthodox Church compared to the Eastern Orthodox churches and the Roman Catholic Church?

5) Why is it difficult to estimate the total number of Proteststants? Can the Anglican Church be regarded as a Protestant one?

6) What are the founding professions of Christians regarding Jesus?

7) What are the main parts of the Bible? What are the two events mentioned in the New Testament and commemorated by Christians in all worship services?

8) What do most denominations have in common in their teachings?

9) How was Jesus borne to life according to Gospels?

10) What is a sacrament? What are the two most widely accepted?



denomination, bishop, the Great Schism, crucifixion, resurrected, Holy Week, Easter Sunday, eternal life, virtuous life, sacrament, Chrismation, Penitent

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