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Clarke launches guidance on religious educationDate: 2015-10-07; view: 409. What do these figures refer to in this text? Define the following words. convert, the Five Pillars of Islam, supplication, Hijrah, fasting, free consent before marriage, misconception one-fortieth, 87–90%, 10–13%, 20% , about 13%, 31%
Before you read. Think over the following questions. § Do you think religious education is necessary? § In what form should students be taught religion? What rules should be followed so as to avoid discrimination?
Mr Clarke was launching the first national guidance on religious education in schools. The 50-page booklet is being sent to all local education authorities, which set the curriculum for their schools. Every pupil up to the age of 18 must have some religious education. School pupils should learn about the conflicts and similarities between religions as well as understand less well-known beliefs, such as Jainism and Zoroastrianism, the education secretary, Charles Clarke, announced today, saying it was "vital" for a greater understanding of the wider world. Dozens of different faith groups have been consulted on the guidance, which recommends that every child be taught Christianity, alongside the other major religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism - throughout their schooling. Pupils should also have the chance to discuss other religious traditions, such as the Baha'À faith, Jainism and Zoroastrianism, as well as secular philosophies, such as humanism and atheism. But different faiths should not be taught in isolation, said the report. "Pupils should also study how religions relate to each other, recognising both similarities and differences within and between religions. They should be encouraged to reflect on: the significance of interfaith dialogue, the important contribution religion can make to community cohesion and the combating of religious prejudice and discrimination," it said. Pupils should be confident about expressing their own views, and be able to debate the issues with an "open-mind", the guidance says. Religious studies is becoming increasingly popular at GCSE and A-level. The number of GCSEs awarded in the subject rose 6.6% this year, from 132,304 in 2003 to 141,037 in 2004, mirroring the trend at A-level, which was up 13.8%. Mr Clarke said: "Children have a right, and indeed should expect, to be told about what is important to their friends who may hold different beliefs to their own. "Faith groups must seize this opportunity to develop their own resources that enhance understanding of their faith, and their response to world issues. I support the development of materials that can be used with the framework. "Religious education can transform pupils' assessment of themselves and others, and their understanding of the wider world. I see it as vital in widening inclusion, understanding diversity and promoting tolerance. Ken Boston, the chief executive of the exams watchdog the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, which produced the guidelines, added: "Religious education has a vital role to play in providing pupils with a range of experiences that enablethem to develop a realistic and positive sense of their own beliefs and ideas." Mr Clarke is to attend a conference in London this afternoon to officially launch the report with representatives from every faith group in Britain. The guidance is non-statutory, but officials believe it will be adopted in most areas.