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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 352.

Faith: belief, cult, veneration

spiritual values; to transmit values to a new generation; religious beliefs

regular church-goer; attendance; liturgy;

to give sermons in some language; to preach; to worship; regular worshipper; to pray


secularism; to favour one religion over another; to resolve church-state controversies; the right of the state to accommodate differing religious views; to break off relationship with the church;

free exercise of religion; religious tolerance; religious diversity and multiformity; multiplicity of sects/factions;

to intervene/ to meddle in political life; to recognise/ challenge the authority of…; to persecute; to flee from persecutions; to incite to religious hatred

Institutionalised religion; official/established church; non-established church; schism; denomination; confession; sect; heresy; dissent (from); obscurantism; conformity; nonconformity; atheism; agnosticism

theology; religious studies


Christian Religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicanism, the Kirk, Nonconformism (Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostalists);

archbishopric; evangelical; episcopal;

diocese; parish

People in the Church: Pope; archbishop; bishop; vicar; rector; dean; cardinal; Imam; rabbi

priest/ ordained minister; reverend (Rev)

chaplain; clergy; parson; prelacy;

to ordain women as priests;

community; congregation;


baptism; confirmation; Eucharist; confession,

to observe rites; to take the sacrament;

consecration; sacrifice;

sacriledge; profanation; to desecrate; to defile; to profane;

to curse; to excommunicate; to interdict; to unchurch; to anathematize;

to practice a religion; service; holy mass; prayerbook;

sacred; holy; saint; ecumenic; ecclesiastical; spiritual; mundane; secular; lay; devout; pious; zealous; divine; supernatural; evil; occult;

the Bible; the Holy Scripture; scriptures; testimony; the Ten Commandments; the Old/ New Testament; the Gospel; the Koran;

temptation; sin; mortal sin; hell; inferno; devil; fiend;

prophet; disciple; apostle; infidel; martyr; crusader; saviour; saint; guardian angel; patron saint; to canonize;


Non-Christian religions:

Islam (Muslims,Moslems), Judaism (Jews), Sikhism (Sikhs), Hinduism (Hindus), Buddhism (Buddhists); Confucianism; Paganism;

circumcision; infidel


Muslim, Moslem, revelation, the Five Pillars of Islam, the Sunni, the Shi'a, converts, supplication, fasting, moderation

Imam; rabbi

Places of worship: cathedral; church; chapel; synagogue; mosque; sanctuary; temple

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