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II. Give English equivalents of the following and use as many expressions in this situation as you can.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 390.

IX. Make an outline of the first part of the story and get ready to speak on it.



I. Read the second port of the story "Flotsam one Jetsam” (p.25-39) by S.Maugham.

to know the ins and outs

to be on the tip of one's tongue

to feel more at home with smb

to have on Eastern streak in smb

to look fishy

III. Speak on the following topics using the active vocabulary:

1) Speak on how Skelton happened to find himself at the Granges' and the days spent there.

Use: to be offered grudgingly, to engage a couple of prahus, to account for his headache, it was curious, to shiver all over, to be too ill to be taken ashore, an ordinary go of malaria, to be too tired to argue further, to accept the compromise, a strange house, a strange manner, to have brunch, to seek one company, as weak as a rat, be taciturn, disconcerting (look), to all appearance,, to know the ins and outs of.

2) Speak on Vesta's love adventure with Jack.

Use: to get into the habit of talking out loud to herself, to address her reflection, to have half a mind, a different sort of chap, to take to smb, to be

a treat to smb, to feel more at home with smb, to be a country-born, to have an Eastern streak in smb, not to be promiscuous, to miss the chance, to bargain for, to be restless and miserable apart, to irritate smb to frenzy, to run awful risks, to have smth one's own way, bliss of one's reunion, to be distraught (out of one's mind), to have a miscarriage, to recover, a nervous tic, to look fishy

3)Speak on Mrs.Grange's little experience on the stage and how she met Norman

Use: to be on the stage a good many years, to be fed up with small ports, to play lead (seconds), a chance, be bust, to give a benefit performance, be not much without smb, be at one's wits' end, to propose to smb, to sound romantic, to all appearances.

IV. Interpret the following sentences:

1) His interior, which was so hearty and English, seemed to have little relation to the man within, you could not resist the suspicion that it masked a very sinister being. (26)

2) Now that things are looking up perhaps you'll be able to take a trip to Eng­land. (28)

3) And as far as Norman was concerned, well, the eye didn't see, the heart did not grieve over. (35)

4) Sh. would have given anything to get away, but with that nervous affliction she had no ghost of a chance any longer of earning a living. (38)


V. Answer the following questions:

1. What sort of books did Norman's library represent? Why did Skelton say: “But it looked as though he had learned from them neither charity nor loving kindness, it looked as though their beauty had left him unmoved”?

2. What compelled them to live together though they hated each other?

3. Can the bits of conversation presented in the story prove that they had a grudge against each other? (e.g. “Shut up and do as I tell you”)

4. What do you think was the turning point in their life?

5. How did the accident of killing Jack characterize Norman? Who do you side with? Give your grounds.

6. Why did Norman's explanation of Jack's death seem fishy to the District Officer?

7. Why did Skelton heave a great sigh of relief as he had left that dreadful house and those two unhappy and yet repellent people as he called them?


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. Who is the narrator of the story?

2. Where and when do the events occur?

3. What is the exposition of the story? Does the author use hints – in the dialogue, description, attitudes and reactions of the characters – to suggest events that will occur late in the story? Identify the type of conflict in the story.

4. How is the story organized? Is the reader given flashbacks to what happened in the past?

5. Describe the main characters of the story: their appearance, social status, their thoughts and feelings. Which methods of presenting the characters prevail: direct or indirect? Are the characters round (=complex) or flat?

6. Comment on the style. Choice of words: colloquial, informal, formal; denotative or connotative. Are there figures of speech and symbols? Examine the sentence length and patterns.

7. What are the themes?

8. What is the tone and mood?

9. Comment on the title of the story.




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V. Ask 5 why-questions on the story under study. | VII. What is the mood permeating the story from its beginning to the end? What is the subject matter of the story?
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