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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 735.




13.We tend to compare things and people not only during English classes, but in real life as well. Practise creating similes. Don`t restrict your imagination.

· The tennis player moved like…

· The umpire looked at the players like…

· The audience yelled like…

· The hockey team fought like…

· The cyclist rushed ahead like…

· The crowd of fans behaved as…

· The gymnast flew through the air like…

· The football coach cursed like…

· The bicycle race winner felt as proud as…

· The injured boxer was as helpless as …

· The figure skater danced as …as…

· The runner sprinted ahead as…as…

14.Think of five ideas about various sports. Make your comparisons humorous.

· For an inexperienced observer cricket may seem as dull as an old pair of boots.

· ________________________________________

15.Visit a local sports venue and describe it using similes (80 words). You may start like this: “…In winter the tennis courts in the city park look as sad as…”

(An extract)


Many people do sports while in their teens. Yet very few of them become professional athletes. Truth is if you really fall in love with sports, your whole life will be colored by it, and you will become a different person. But you can't do it all on your own – you need someone to guide you. A coach…Probably like the one you are going to read about.


John Ray Grisham is an American author, best known for his popular legal thrillers. Before becoming a writer, he was a successful lawyer and politician. As of 2008, his books have sold over 250 million copies worldwide. John Grisham as a child dreamed of being a professional baseball player. Realizing he didn't have the right stuff for a pro career, he opted for other goals and achieved them. Recently he has shifted from writing about law and politics to sports, reliving his childhood dreams.


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