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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 540.


9. Answer the following questions.


· Do the funeral speeches sound like typical eulogies to you? Why? Why not?

· In what way did Coach Rake back up the spirit of continuity and why did it work?

· Can we call Coach Rake a decent and just man? What facts in the extract prove that?

· In your opinion was Coach Rake the same man on and off the football field? What makes you think so?

· Some people may call Coach Rake and his methods cruel. Would you support this opinion? Is cruelty part and parcel of sports?

· What was the players` real attitude towards their coach – love or hate?

· Was Coach Rake`s influence confined to football only or did it far beyond that? Find facts in the extract to justify your opinion.

· What to your mind united the players of different generations?

· Why do you think the Coach and his team mean so much to this provincial American town?


10.The short extracts given below epitomize Coach Rake`s principles. Study them and say whether they can be applied to sports only? Would you like to choose one of these principles for yourself? Give arguments for your choice.

· “…success is not an accident. And with each failure, you want to apologize because he did not teach us to fail. He refused to accept failure. You want his advice on how to overcome it.”

· “…Fear is inevitable, and it is not always bad. Harness your fear and use it to your advantage.”

· “…pick yourself up, to do better, and never quit.”

11.Let us focus on style. Read the definition of a stylistic device and find its examples in the story.

Antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, phrases, or words so as to produce an effect of balance.

12.Read the sentence from the first part of the extract. How can you interpret it? What “touch” does the author have in mind? Can it be considered one of the key sentences and why?


I know that every player looking down from my walls was indelibly touched by Eddie Rake.

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