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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 592.

13.Free writing. You have five minutes to write down any images, ideas or details that come to you concerning the topic “Magic beasts”. You can choose between the dragon, the gryphon, the unicorn or something you fancy.

14.Writing an interior monologue. With another student list some of his possible after-reading thoughts at this very moment. Then write them down as an unbroken monologue. Compare your mini-stories with those of other students. Who seems to be the most original thinker of the group?

15.Write a draft of a story (120 words) about the most wonderful or miraculous event you have ever witnessed. It should have a personal meaning, be clear in your memory, and be not too private. Here are some useful tips:

· Begin with exactly what happened – events, people, places. Events are the “bones” of your story, its framework.

· Recording events will lead you to people who besides yourself play a part in your experience. What did they look like? What did they say?

· A place may be a key part of your experience – bring your readers there.

· What is the meaning of this experience to you? Did you change in any way or learn anything?

Using the evaluation criteria prepare self-evaluation of your draft and do a bit of revision:

· Add new information and details.

· Take out unnecessary details, examples or weak words. Replace with more precise words and more relevant details.

· Cut repetition and details unrelated to the main idea.

· Rearrange your ideas so that they make more sense.

Now write the final version of your story and be ready to present it in class. You may make use of the following plan.

1) Introduction. Feelings, connected with the experience.

2) Summary of the experience: the event, details, thoughts and feelings

3) Conclusion. Details, thoughts and feelings. Meaning of experience.

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