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Home Random lecture


Date: 2015-10-07; view: 367.


1) Is this story fundamentally comic, pathetic or tragic? To what extent is this story humorous?

2) Which of the following adjectives would you choose to describe the style of the story?









3) Comment on the interplay of different meanings of the word ‘circus'

4) There is an opinion that the young man's name (a linking of “do” and “ran”) suggests a possibility of disentangling himself from a ‘hit and run' affair? Do you agree that the name contains irony?

5) What device can be observed in the expression ‘lover's eyes' ? Are Doran's thoughts those of a lover or he had been forced into the role?

6) What notions are juxtaposed in ‘wise innocence'? What is the stylistic effect of this device?

7) State the type of stylistic device and effect in ‘ thick bulldog's face'

8) The narrative sometimes takes on a tone of reticent indefinition (e.g. Polly began to grow a little strange in her manner and the young man was evidently perturbed.) What is the stylistic effect of such a tone? Find more examples.

9) What does the tortuosity of the phrase because she did not wish it to be thought that in her wise innocence she had divined the intention behind her mother's tolerance suggest? Was Polly as simple as she seemed? Were the mother and daughter sincere in their manner?

10) What does the shift from direct to indirect speech in ‘She would put an end to herself, she said.' suggest?



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