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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 440.


Medicines may cause unwanted side effects4 in some people. If, after taking this medicine for the first time, you have an asthma attack or bronchiospasm (difficulty in breathing), gastro-intestinal haemorrhage (vomiting of blood or passing of dark, tarry stools5), stop taking these pills and consult a doctor or pharmacist.


1 forming a partly solid lump

2 not having enough water in your body

3 painful infected area on the skin or inside your body

4 unwanted effects in addition to the intended one

5 medical term for (formal) excrement or (informal, childish) pooh


33. Translate the sentences. Learn the medical metaphors:


Problems and bad situations in society or other aspects of people's lives are often talked about as if they were illnesses.

The word symptom is often used when talking about problems in society.

The current spate of car thefts is a symptom of a deeper underlying problem.

This behaviour is symptomatic of his general lack of self-confidence.

The causes of a problem can be diagnosed and the outlook for a situation can also be referred to as the prognosis in the same way as we talk about the prognosis of an illness [how experts expect it to develop].

Here are some other examples of medical metaphors:


an ailing organisation [one that has a lot of problems]. The economy has been ailing for some time, but it is hoped that the new government will improve things.

a rash of burglaries [a number of similar things happening at the same time]

World Cup fever election fever [great excitement]

at fever pitch to reach fever pitch [a point of very high intensity]

With a week to go before Anne's wedding, preparations had reached fever pitch.

Experts in the history of the area take a rather jaundiced view of the likely success of the peace talks. [unenthusiastic or sceptical because of previous bad experiences]

to carry the scars of / be scarred by [be permanently affected by a negative experience]

I'm afraid that children will always be scarred by having experienced war at so young age.


34. Study the words and their definitions. Translate the examples into Ukrainian:


gene - a part of a cell in a living thing that controls what it looks like, how it grows, and how it develops. People get their genes from their parents

cholesterol - a chemical substance found in your blood. Too much cholesterol in your body may cause heart disease.

rheumatism -a disease that makes your joints or muscles painful and stiff

arthritis - a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen and very painful

endorphin - a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain and can make you feel happier

virus - a very small living thing that causes infectious illnesses

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Here are four pictures of things to do with health and medicine. Can you match them with the labels? | Have/suffer a heart attack
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