BODY. Complete the sentences .
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 619.
1. We have ten _________ on our hands and ten ___________ on our feet.
2. The function of the heart is to enable the_________ to circulate.
3. The _____________is used for digesting food.
4. The flesh your teeth grow from is your _________.
5. Do you wear your watch on your right __________ because you are left-handed?
6. A bear crushed him and cracked several of his __________.
7. With the help of our _________ we are able to speak and eat.
8. Our_________ enables us to think
9. At first she thought the boy had a high temperature, but when she put her hand on his____________to make sure, she found it was cold.
10. I dropped a heavy box on my _________and broke one of my toes.
X 20. Listen to the dialogues, read them. Ask about health using the phrases:
At a Chemist's Shop
| It is possible to obtain emergency medicines from certain chemists after normal shopping hours. If the shop is closed look in the window for the list of chemists who are open late on that particular day. A fixed charge is made by the chemist. If you regularly take a certain drug, it is as well to remember that it may not be available in the U.K. except with a doctor's prescription. Chemists in the U.K. sell cosmetics and toilet preparations as well as photographic supplies. Films may be left at a chemist's shop for developing.
| (ii)
| (iii)
| (iv)
| A The doctor's given me this prescription.
| Could you make up this prescription for me, please?
| I've just been given this prescription by Dr Worrall.
| Can I leave this prescription with you?
| B It'll only take five minutes, so perhaps you'll wait.
| I'll do it for you straight away.
| You can call back for it in about an hour.
| I'll have it ready for you by 5.30.
| A Have you also got something suitable for sore lips?
| By the way, what do you suggest for sunburn?
| Can you also give me something for this rash?1
| I'd like something for a stye,1 too.
| B Rub in this cream every four hours.
| This ointment should clear up the trouble.
| Try this tube of jelly.
| Put this lotion on three times a day.
1 a rash: a skinirritation ' a stye: a spot on the eye-lid