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Complete the sentences below with a preposition (from, on, with, etc.).Date: 2015-10-07; view: 666.
My wife complained that something was wrong …..her. She said she had a pain …. her back and that she suffered ….. bad headaches. As she was getting worse and worse I sent ….. a doctor. Immediately afterwards she was taken ….. hospital. Yesterday she was operated ….. .Now she feels much better.
10 HEALTH. Fill in the right words.
1. I've got hayfever and that's the reason why I keep on _ _ _ e _ _ _ _. 2. I really do not know if this medicine _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ alcohol; most medicines do. 3. As far as I know common aspirin is the best _ _ _ _ for your illness. 4. If the meeting is tomorrow I'll have to _ _ c _ _ an appointment with my dentist. 5. He is a very talented _ _ _ g _ _ _ . All the patients on whom he has operated are in good health now. 6. While some surgeons are experimenting with transplantation of natural organs, others see the future in the use of _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ ones. 7. He asked me if he might smoke a .cigarette. I am a smoker myself, so I did not _ _ _ e _ _ to it. 8. As the doctor came into the room the nurse handed him the temperature _ _ r __ of the patient. 9. He took a sleeping-tablet, but it had absolutely no _ _ _ _ c _ . It was a sleepless night for him. 10. Our children seem to spend all day playing doctors and _ _ _ _ _ n_ _. 11. He slipped on the icy road, lost his _ _ _ _ n _ _ and fell. 12. You can't buy this medicine without a _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ from a doctor. 13. It may be dangerous to have a meal first and go for a swim immediately _ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ . 14. I don't feel very well. I think I'm going to be _ _ c _ . 15. The psychiatrist's _ _ e seems exorbitant considering the short time he spends on each patient. 16. His mother sent him to bed because he had quite a high _ _ _ _ _ r_ _ _ _ _. 17. He was 10 kilos overweight and was advised to go on a _ _ _ _ . 18. I had to wait for an hour in the doctor's _ _ _ g_ _ _ . 19. If you want to find out someone's temperature, use a _ _ _ r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 20. If you want to stay well, don't eat too much and get plenty of _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ .
11. HEALTH. Choose the right answer.
1. The patient's condition is ….. . a) critical b) dangerous c) hazardous d) perilous
2. Everything possible was done to ….. the suffering of the wounded man. a) alleviate b) console c) diminish d) pacify
3. The doctor decided it was better at that point not to ….. the nature of the illness. a) confess b) give up c) reveal d) unmask
4. Abortion has become a ….. issue in recent years. a) blazing b) burning c) fiery d) hot
5. That man will live for ever, he's ….. . a) immature b) immoral c) immortal d) indefinite 6. We thought she was over the worst of her illness, but yesterday she had a ….. . a) come-back b) relapse c) relaxation d) reversion
7. I could tell that she was frightened because she ….. my arm hard. a) bruised b) gripped c) pulled d) stretched
8. It is physically impossible for any human being to ….. such extreme cold for long. a) endure b) last c) persist d) withhold
9. I have been offered the appointment,…..to my passing a medical examination. a) condition b) confirmatory c) dependent d) subject 10. As people get older their bodies begin to run …..and they have less immunity to disease. a) down b) low c) off d) out
11. They ….. his broken leg in plaster. a) arranged b) fitted c) set d) tied
12. We need to be able to breathe ….. in order to live. a) atmosphere b) carbon dioxide c) oxygen d) ozone
13. The test …..that she was pregnant. a) certified b) demonstrated c) indicated d) verified
14. According to a hospital spokesman, hopes were ….. last night that the victim would ever regain consciousness. a) decreasing b) fading c) growing d) increasing
15. Try something sharp-smelling under her nose, that might ….. if she's still unconscious. a) bring her about b) bring her to c) get her over d) put her forward
16. The recent study of ….. has produced some interesting results showing that humans have a built-in 24-hour biological clock. a) biographs b) biorhythms c) bioscopes d) biotypes
17. Exercising generally begins with standing up straight, …..slowly and then letting your breath out evenly. a) airing b) exhaling c) ingesting d) inhaling
18. Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to ….. with each other. a) confer b) confess c) confirm d) confide
19. Peter was ….. from hospital last week. a) discharged b) dismissed c) released d) withdrawn
20. In the stomach, the protein in food is ….. into simpler substances by the action of acids and enzymes. a) broken down b) knocked down c) melted down d) rendered down
12. HEALTH. Fill in the English translation of the word(s) in brackets.
I. Diane was seriously ill some time ago. She is still weak but her health is_ _ _ _ _ (ïîêðàùóºòüñÿ) rapidly and no doubt she will be all right soon. 2. I really admire him for the patience and the calm with which he _ _ _ _ s (ïåðåíîñèòü) his terrible illness. I know how he must suffer. 3. His injuries are so serious that he may _ _ _ _ _ _ (çàëèøèòèñÿ) an invalid for the rest of his life. 4. His eyesight is poor, so he has to wear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (îêóëÿðè). 5. She decided not to marry and to _ _ _ _ _ _ (ïðèñâÿòèòè) her whole life to helping the mentally retarded. 6. I have recently read about a youth who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (âðÿòóâàòè) four children from drowning. 7. The dentist uses a _ _ _ _ _ (áîð) to cut into your teeth. 8. I went to the doctor about my cough and he prescribed some _ _ _ _ (òàáëåòêè). 9. It was quite a bad cut and it was bleeding, so I put on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ïîâ'ÿçêà). 10. I hurt my wrist yesterday playing football and today it's _ _ _ _ _ (ïðèïóõëèé). 11. I think he has fainted! Quick, someone, call an _ _ _ _ _ _(øâèäêó äîïîìîãó). 12. There is nothing a doctor can do about the common cold, there's no known _ _ _ _(ë³êè).
& 13.